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How to Make Your House Look Luxurious on a Tight Budget.

We use our homes to help distinguish ourselves from others. For many, their homes are a part of their self-definition. Simply put, the way you perceive yourself reflects the way you live. Chance are that if your house bores you it also bores your visitors. Maybe it is time for a change.

Home décor could be expensive and those interior designers don't make it any easier with the crazy hourly rates, but there are simple fixes and solutions that will make your house look appealing and majestic.

A tight budget should never stop someone from designing his or her own home for comfort and luxury. After all, home is where you really are yourself. To start your remodeling all you really need is efficient planning, a handy hardware shop, and a little elbow grease.

Method 1 Reducing Clutter.

1. Reorganize your furniture.

Most luxurious homes are spotless because they place their furniture in a way that is clutter free.

Hide your clutter in baskets and decorative bowls.

Create a theme for each room.

See-through bookcases, shelves, and nooks are your best friend. Place antiques, pictures, or anything of value on open display.

Method 2 Bring Greenry In.

1. Place vases or bowls of greenery around the house. This will revitalize a dull room.

A bowl of artificial fruit in any room can be used to liven up the monotonous environment.

A vase full of flowers, acorns, twigs, or any element of nature added to a room is a sure-fire way to add class and elegance.

Method 3 Lighting.

1. Invest in quality lights that set up your focal point for a room.

Lighting is a functional necessity that effectively effects the mood and tone of any room.

It is best to install a dimmer on overhead lights to control mood lighting.

2. Use light for first impression and decorations.

Foyers determine the first impression of the home. A centered chandelier provides a warm welcoming aura around a house.

3. Ensure decorative fixtures should be compatible with space where they will placed.

A bedroom, for example, cannot accommodate a chandelier as large as one that fits in a foyer.

Make sure the size of a fixture is proportional to room size to avoid clutter, awkwardness and an eyesore.

Method 4 Choosing the Right Paint.

1. Use neutral hues on the main floor. Many luxury homes use creams, browns, and honey shades to paint their first floor. Bold colors are usually used on more private rooms such as the bedrooms, or bathrooms.

Neutral hues create a calm, clutter-free, and classic environment.

Neutral hues allow furniture to take center stage.

2. Remember that rich dark painted walls require light furniture.

Dark colors should always be in high gloss, as to add more light and shine to them.

Family and dining rooms are typically darkly painted rooms.

Red is a color that can easily fail you if not matched precisely with complementing the furniture.

3. Use light paint to make a room look larger.

Warm colors cause a glow to emit from the room.

Warm colors convey strength and togetherness.

Cool colors cause a fresh and relaxing aura to surround its area.

Cool colors create a soothing effect. Cool colors are recommended to be used in bedrooms.

Method 5 Accessorizing and Using Antiques.

1. Add three to four vertical mirrors to a wall.

Mirrors can break up a wall without having to add a lot of artwork and also make a room appear larger. If possible, place your mirrors adjacent to windows and doors leading to the outside; this is a good way to let more light in and can even create the illusion of having more windows.

2. Add different sizes of framed art, photo, pottery, or posters.

Do not place a small frame alone on a large wall.

A small wall should generally contain only one large picture frame or multiple small and medium frames.

3. Follow the symmetry and asymmetry rule. This will help you to decide on what accessories you plan to use.

Candles work well with symmetry.

Antiques are best designed in an overlapping fashion using asymmetry.

Vases are also another item that works well with asymmetry.

4. Accessorize with rugs. The perfect sized rug is essential for the classy look you are trying to achieve. Many luxury homes use rugs that are larger than the furniture's space because it allows the room to look larger.

The right rug can cause the right illusion.

Depending on the original flooring of the room, a rug could be plain or it could contain motifs as long as it goes well with the floor and the furniture.

Method 6 Achieving the Cathedral (High-ceiling) Effect.

1. Place curtains at the highest point of the wall.

Avoid placing curtains above windows, it makes a wall seem shorter than its actual length.

Use curtain tie backs to create an elegant look surrounding the windows.

2. Keep all clutter away from windows and manipulate light settings.

Placing accessories near window frame blinds a person from appreciating the design it also makes space look smaller.

3. Feature half-painted walls, to give the illusion of taller ceilings.

Vertical striped rooms look larger than other rooms.

Painting walls a light color on the bottom half and a darker color on the upper half of the wall adds definition and length to any room.

4. Purchase the right furniture. Do not just base your furniture on appearance. Consider functionality.

Low furniture profile is perfect for low-ceilings, it increases the space between the furniture and the ceiling causing the ceiling to look higher than it actually is.

5. Raise the doors to the height of the ceiling. This will make your ceilings look taller.

The taller you place a door the more the illusion seems authentic.

6. Paint the ceiling a light color.

This tricks the eye to believe that the ceiling seems higher.

7. Add high shelves.

This will delude the eyes into believing that the ceiling is actually higher than it is.

8. Avoid clutter. This includes pendant lighting, and chandeliers.

Tight spaces should stay free of extravagant materials in order to not make space seem confined.

Method 7 Adding Architectural Trims.

1. Create dimension in your house. This gives an elegant and luxurious look.

Molding creates a paneled look which draws an eye's attention to certain areas of the room.

Molding keeps the spacing even, symmetrical, and aesthetic.

Wide molding is better than narrow as it dramatically improves the appearance of your home.

2. Add molding to your kitchen cabinets.

Molding the top your kitchen cabinets will cause a modish and eye-pleasing also adding an extra level of polish to the kitchen.

3. Add trims around the edges of your windows.

This will add appeal to your bland windows.

The heavier the molding around the windows you add the plainer the curtains should be. Remember simpler is better.


Remember less is more. Do not try to do too much at the same time. Keep things simple.

Maximize your space.

Design to fit your plot and budget.

Think about safety, storage, and lighting

Januari 16, 2020

How to Create a Minimalist Home.

Minimalism is one of the crowning architectural achievements of the 20th century. Spare and streamlined while still being inviting, minimalism is charming in almost any space. With less clutter to wade through and mentally process, the innate beauty of each piece of furniture or art in the home really starts to stand out.


1. Change one room at a time. Unless you’re just moving into a place, it’s hard to simplify an entire house at once. Focus on one room, and let that be your center of calm. Use it to inspire you to simplify the next room, and the next. Then do the same outside!

2. Start with furniture. The biggest things in any room are the furniture, so it is always best to begin simplifying a room by looking at the furniture. The fewer pieces of furniture, the better (within reason, of course). Think of which furniture can be eliminated without sacrificing comfort and livability. Go for a few pieces of plain, simple furniture (here, an example of a minimalist coffee table) with solid, subdued colors.

3. Keep only the essentials. Whether looking at your furniture or anything else in the room, ask yourself if the item is truly essential. If you can live without it, get it out. Try to strip the room down to its essentials — you can always add a few choice items beyond the essentials later. Keep the whole design (house) on paper as simple as you can initially, with required components, and then slowly add décor as desired.

4. Clear floors. Except for the furniture, your floors should be completely clear. Nothing should clutter the floor, nothing should be stacked, nothing should be stored on the floor. Once you've gotten your furniture down to the bare essentials, clear everything else on the floor — either donate it, trash it, or find a place for it out of sight.

5. Clear surfaces. Same thing with all flat surfaces. Don’t have anything on them, except one or two simple decorations. Donate, trash or find an out-of-sight storage spot for everything else. It will make everything much more minimal-looking.

6. Clear walls. Some people hang all kinds of stuff on their walls. No-can-do in a minimalist home. Clear your walls except for one or two simple pieces of nice artwork.

7. Store stuff out of sight. This has been mentioned in the above tips, but you should store everything you need out of sight, in drawers and cabinets. Bookshelves can be used to store books or DVDs or CDs, but shouldn't have much else except a few simple decorations (not whole collections of things).

8. De-clutter. If you are clearing flat surfaces and the floor, and storing stuff in cabinets and drawers, you’ll probably want to de-clutter your storage areas too. You can do this in a later stage if you want.

9. Use simple artwork. To keep a room from being boring, you can put a simple painting, drawing or photo, framed with a subdued, solid color, on each wall if you want. Leave some walls bare if possible.

10. Use simple decorations. As mentioned in the above tips, one or two simple decorations can serve as accents for a minimalist room. A vase of flowers or a small potted plant are two classic examples. If the rest of your room has subdued colors, your accents could use a bright color (such as red or yellow) to draw the eye and give a plain room a splash of energy.

11. Prefer plain window treatments. Bare windows, or simple, solid colored curtains, or simple, wooden blinds are good. Too much ornate stuff around the windows is clutter.

12. Adopt plain patterns. Solid colors are best for floor coverings (if you have any), furniture, etc. Complex patterns, such as flowers or checkers, are visual clutter.

13. Make the most of subdued colors. You can have a splash of bright color in the room, but most of the room should be more subtle colors - white is classic minimalist, but really any solid colors that don’t stress the eyes are good (earth colors come to mind, such as blues, browns, tans, or greens).

14. Edit and eliminate. When you've simplified a room, you can probably do more. Give it a couple of days, then look at everything with a fresh eye. What can be eliminated? Stored out of sight? What’s not essential? You can come back to each room every few months, and sometimes you’ll discover things you can simplify even more.

15. Have a place for everything. In a minimalist house, it’s important that you find a place for everything. Where does your blender go? Aim for logical spots that are close to where the thing is used, to make things more efficient, but the key is to designate a spot and stick with it.

16. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. Once you've simplified a room, take a moment to look around and enjoy it. It’s so peaceful and satisfying. This is the reward for your hard work.

Question : I'm an 11-year-old girl and I'm trying to go minimalist, but my family are hoarders. What should I do?

Answer : You could just stick to maintaining a minimalist bedroom, but you might also try talking it over with your family. Maybe you could convince them to get rid of some stuff they don't need anymore, or at least put some things away in an attic, basement, or storage unit.

Question : What is the best color to paint a room that gets sun in the afternoon, to create a minimalist look?

Answer : A nice teal does wonders. It will brighten your room even when there's no sunlight.

Question : My room is bright teal. Should I paint it white?

Answer : That's up to you! If teal is getting old, then you can paint it white, but adding wall art and posters are also great ways to keep a room fun or just change things up. I suggest mandalas, because they are colorful and trendy!


Accent decorations. A home completely clear of things could sometimes be a bit boring, actually. So instead of having a coffee table completely free of any objects, you could have a simple vase with a few flowers, for example. Or a clear desk might just have a family photo. An otherwise empty wall might have a tasteful piece of art. Modern minimalist home décor is not plain and empty, but rather is an attempt by the owner to produce home beauty with simpler or less ornamentation.

Clear surfaces. In a minimalist home, flat surfaces are clear, except for one or two decorations. There is not a mindless array of knick-knacks, and there are definitely no stacks of books, papers or other items.

Quality over quantity. Instead of having a lot of stuff in your home, you as a minimalist (or minimalist in training) would choose just a few really good things you love and use often. A really nice table, for example, is better than 5 pieces of press-board furniture.

A minimalist home is less stressful. Clutter is a form of visual distraction, and everything in our vision pulls at our attention at least a little. The less clutter, the less visual stress we have. A minimalist home is not only more calming, but also more appealing. Think about photos of homes that are cluttered (for example the A&E series Hoarders), and photos of minimalist homes. The ones with almost nothing in them except some beautiful furniture, some nice artwork, and a very few pretty decorations, are the ones that most appeal to us, even if only subconsciously.

A minimalist home is easier to clean. It's hard to clean a whole bunch of objects, or to sweep or vacuum around a bunch of furniture. The more stuff you have, the more you have to keep clean, and the more complicated it is to clean around the stuff. Think about how easy it is to clean an empty room compared to one with 50 objects in it. That's an extreme example, of course, as this article doesn't recommend you have an empty room, but it's just to illustrate the difference. Minimalist architecture uses the idea that less is more; ornamentation must be quality rather than quantity. The building (house) is stripped to the bare minimum leaving only necessary walls, simple large windows and a flat roof. This can produce the "great room" — the combining of the living room, kitchen and dining room that looks spacious. The style can use natural colours that can easily be seen in nature and the beauty of natural materials for finishes like real stone tiles, real metal and smooth wood panelling, etc. Such a style uses modern building materials and modern manufacturing processes, and not surprisingly, modernists may like the look and feel of such a home style.

Examples. The photo at the top of this article is a nice example of a minimalist home. Traditional-style Japanese homes (think wabi sabi for example) are another great example of minimalism.

Minimal furniture. A minimalist room would only contain a few essential pieces of furniture. A living room, for example, might only have a couch, another chair or love seat, a coffee table, a minimalist entertainment stand (not a huge one with a bunch of shelves), a television, and a couple of lamps. It could even contain less (couch, chairs, and coffee table, for example). A bedroom might have a simple bed (or even just a mattress), a dresser, and perhaps a night stand or bookshelf.

If it is difficult to start the process of clearing out clutter, try finding out what you use organically. For example, clothes - each time you wear something, turn the coat hanger around and after a certain time, you can see exactly what you don't wear. This will make it easier to clear once you see which clothes you don't need.
Februari 10, 2020

How to Reuse Jewelry for Home Decor.

If you have jewelry that you no longer want, or that is broken, you can easily use it for home decoration. Earrings can be used to make magnets or added as charms to a mobile. Necklaces can be framed or used on items like lamps. Other miscellaneous items can be used for things like candleholders and doorknobs.

Method 1 Using Earrings.

1. Make magnets with old earrings. If you have old earrings that are broken, or ones you don't wear anymore, you can turn them into magnets. Simply buy magnet backs at a local craft store. Small disc magnet backs work best for this project. Superglue the magnet backs on your earrings and then place them on your fridge to spruce up your kitchen.

You should use pliers to remove any wires or backs that are still on the jewelry.

This works best on larger jewelry. Small earrings, like gold balls, may look awkward glued to a magnet back.

2. Add an old earring to a decorative box. If you have any larger earrings, these can be glued to a decorative box. If you have a decorative box sitting out on a mantel or elsewhere in your home, it may look a little dull. Try to add a little extra decoration by super-gluing an earring to the box.

If you have a lot of earrings you no longer use, glue a lot of them to a decorative box. You can try to make a design, like a heart shape, or simply scatter jewels all over the front of the box.

3. Use old earrings as charms for a mobile. If you have a mobile hanging in your home, enhance it with earrings. Earrings can be glued or tied to the strings of a mobile. They can also be glued to hanging pieces of a mobile to give them extra flare. Earrings can make a run-of-the-mill mobile sparkle in your home.

For example, if you have a mobile of the sun, moon, and stars, superglue shiny earrings to the hanging pieces. This will make the cosmos shine a little.

4. Add earrings to the ends of a table runner. If you have a fabric table runner and earrings with the wire still in place, you can add some fringe to the edge of your runner. Take a series of old earrings and feed the wire end through either end of the runner. This will give your runner a fun, somewhat bohemian fringe.

If you don't have a table runner, but do have a lot of old earrings, consider springing for a inexpensive fabric runner at a department store. A somewhat dull runner will be brightened up if you decorate it with earrings.

5. Frame old earrings. Stop by a local department store or art store. Pick up some picture frames that have backs wrapped with linen. Then, remove hooks and wires from old earrings with pliers. You can then hot glue the earrings onto the linen, creating fun, decorative frames with old earrings.

You can also use other old items, like old postcards or birthday cards, on the back of your linen if the earrings dull on their own. You can make a fun collage using picture frames, old jewelry, and other supplies.

Method 2 Decorating with Necklaces.

1. Use a necklace chain on a lamp. If you have a lamp that turns on and off when pulling a chain, you can spruce up the chain with an old necklace. You can try weaving an old necklace around the existing chain to attach it. You can also snip off most of the existing chain with pliers, leaving only a small end sticking out, and then glue one end of the necklace to the end of the old chain.

Use industrial strength glue to secure the necklace to the chain. This will work best.[7]

2. Make a chandelier using broken necklaces. Stop by a local thrift store, craft store, or department store. Get a large, circular ring, such as a wire ring you would use for a sewing project. You can then make a chandelier by stringing old necklaces around the ring. Attach some wires or strings to hang the object from your ceiling when you're done.

Some necklaces can be tied to the wire ring. However, things like gold and silver chains will probably need to be glued.

3. Wind old pearls around a vase. Pearls can make an elegant decoration, and look particularly striking on a vase. Remove pearls from their existing string and insert them into light-gauge wires. You can do this by cutting off any snaps or holders on the edge of the string of pearls. Then, remove the pearls with your fingers. Wrap the wire around a vase for an attractive embellishment.

4. Frame old necklaces. Cover the back of a picture frame in decorative cardboard from a craft store. Then, hang an old necklace over the cardboard, so the pendant hangs halfway down the frame. You can then frame the cardboard and hang up your new decoration in your home.

Make sure to pick decorative cardboard that matches the color of your necklace.

Method 3 Making Use of Miscellaneous Items.

1. Embellish dull Christmas ornaments with pieces of shattered jewelry. If you have jewelry that's shattered or broken, you do not have to throw it away. You can glue pieces of, say, a shattered brooch or pendant on a plain Christmas ornament, like a plain white bulb. This adds some glimmer to an otherwise dull ornament you can then hang on your tree.

2. Superglue large pieces of jewelry onto doorknobs. Old brooches and large pendants work best here. You can simply use superglue or industrial strength glue to secure these items to doorknobs in your home. This gives doorknobs a little extra beauty.

Smaller pieces, like bits of earrings, can be glued to tiny knobs, like the knobs of cabinets in your kitchen or bathroom.

3. Pin old brooches on white lampshades. If you have any white lampshades in your home, they can look a little dull. You can embellish them by pinning old brooches onto them. If you have lots of brooches, but no white lampshades, lampshades are cheap to buy at most department stores.

4. Stack bracelets to make candle holders. You can wrap old bracelets around candle holders. You can also glue together a stack of similarly sized bracelets and slip them over existing candleholders. This can spruce up plain glass candleholders in your home.

Things You'll Need : Old jewelry (necklaces, earrings, brooches, etc.), Super glue, Industrial strength glue, Picture frames, Pliers, Magnet backs.

Desember 19, 2019

How to Reuse Jewelry for Home Decor.

If you have jewelry that you no longer want, or that is broken, you can easily use it for home decoration. Earrings can be used to make magnets or added as charms to a mobile. Necklaces can be framed or used on items like lamps. Other miscellaneous items can be used for things like candleholders and doorknobs.

Using Earrings.

Make magnets with old earrings. If you have old earrings that are broken, or ones you don't wear anymore, you can turn them into magnets. Simply buy magnet backs at a local craft store. Small disc magnet backs work best for this project. Superglue the magnet backs on your earrings and then place them on your fridge to spruce up your kitchen.

You should use pliers to remove any wires or backs that are still on the jewelry.

This works best on larger jewelry. Small earrings, like gold balls, may look awkward glued to a magnet back.

Add an old earring to a decorative box. If you have any larger earrings, these can be glued to a decorative box. If you have a decorative box sitting out on a mantel or elsewhere in your home, it may look a little dull. Try to add a little extra decoration by super-gluing an earring to the box.

If you have a lot of earrings you no longer use, glue a lot of them to a decorative box. You can try to make a design, like a heart shape, or simply scatter jewels all over the front of the box.

Use old earrings as charms for a mobile. If you have a mobile hanging in your home, enhance it with earrings. Earrings can be glued or tied to the strings of a mobile. They can also be glued to hanging pieces of a mobile to give them extra flare. Earrings can make a run-of-the-mill mobile sparkle in your home.

For example, if you have a mobile of the sun, moon, and stars, superglue shiny earrings to the hanging pieces. This will make the cosmos shine a little.

Add earrings to the ends of a table runner. If you have a fabric table runner and earrings with the wire still in place, you can add some fringe to the edge of your runner. Take a series of old earrings and feed the wire end through either end of the runner. This will give your runner a fun, somewhat bohemian fringe.

If you don't have a table runner, but do have a lot of old earrings, consider springing for a inexpensive fabric runner at a department store. A somewhat dull runner will be brightened up if you decorate it with earrings.

Frame old earrings. Stop by a local department store or art store. Pick up some picture frames that have backs wrapped with linen. Then, remove hooks and wires from old earrings with pliers. You can then hot glue the earrings onto the linen, creating fun, decorative frames with old earrings.

You can also use other old items, like old postcards or birthday cards, on the back of your linen if the earrings dull on their own. You can make a fun collage using picture frames, old jewelry, and other supplies.

Decorating with Necklaces.

Use a necklace chain on a lamp. If you have a lamp that turns on and off when pulling a chain, you can spruce up the chain with an old necklace. You can try weaving an old necklace around the existing chain to attach it. You can also snip off most of the existing chain with pliers, leaving only a small end sticking out, and then glue one end of the necklace to the end of the old chain.

Use industrial strength glue to secure the necklace to the chain. This will work best.

Make a chandelier using broken necklaces. Stop by a local thrift store, craft store, or department store. Get a large, circular ring, such as a wire ring you would use for a sewing project. You can then make a chandelier by stringing old necklaces around the ring. Attach some wires or strings to hang the object from your ceiling when you're done.

Some necklaces can be tied to the wire ring. However, things like gold and silver chains will probably need to be glued.

Wind old pearls around a vase. Pearls can make an elegant decoration, and look particularly striking on a vase. Remove pearls from their existing string and insert them into light-gauge wires. You can do this by cutting off any snaps or holders on the edge of the string of pearls. Then, remove the pearls with your fingers. Wrap the wire around a vase for an attractive embellishment.

Frame old necklaces. Cover the back of a picture frame in decorative cardboard from a craft store. Then, hang an old necklace over the cardboard, so the pendant hangs halfway down the frame. You can then frame the cardboard and hang up your new decoration in your home.

Make sure to pick decorative cardboard that matches the color of your necklace.

Making Use of Miscellaneous Items.

Embellish dull Christmas ornaments with pieces of shattered jewelry. If you have jewelry that's shattered or broken, you do not have to throw it away. You can glue pieces of, say, a shattered brooch or pendant on a plain Christmas ornament, like a plain white bulb. This adds some glimmer to an otherwise dull ornament you can then hang on your tree.

Superglue large pieces of jewelry onto doorknobs. Old brooches and large pendants work best here. You can simply use superglue or industrial strength glue to secure these items to doorknobs in your home. This gives doorknobs a little extra beauty.

Smaller pieces, like bits of earrings, can be glued to tiny knobs, like the knobs of cabinets in your kitchen or bathroom.

Pin old brooches on white lampshades. If you have any white lampshades in your home, they can look a little dull. You can embellish them by pinning old brooches onto them. If you have lots of brooches, but no white lampshades, lampshades are cheap to buy at most department stores.

Stack bracelets to make candle holders. You can wrap old bracelets around candle holders. You can also glue together a stack of similarly sized bracelets and slip them over existing candleholders. This can spruce up plain glass candleholders in your home.

Things You'll Need.

Old jewelry (necklaces, earrings, brooches, etc.).

Super glue.

Industrial strength glue.

Picture frames.


Magnet backs.
November 17, 2019

How to Decorate Your Home on a Budget.

If you’re on a budget, it might seem impossible to redecorate your home. After all, home furnishings and decor can be very expensive if you buy everything all at once. Luckily, though, there are plenty of ways to save money as you freshen up your home’s appearance. Try buying items a little at a time, and buy second-hand or find great sales whenever you can. Also, look for creative ways to repurpose items you already have, or even upcycle things you find while you’re shopping!

Method 1 Adding Personality with Small Details.

1. Display your favorite items out in the open. Showing off something you already have is a great way to decorate without spending any money at all. If you have a piece that always makes you smile, like a special heirloom or a painting you love, put it somewhere you spend a lot of time, like your bedroom, kitchen, or living room. As you’re choosing other items for that room, try to think of what will go with the pieces you love the most.

For instance, if you hang up a painting in your living room, look for throw pillows or a rug that have some of the same colors as the painting.

Get rid of items you don’t love and just display the decor that you really like. Your favorite items will become statement pieces, and you’ll appreciate what you do have more.

2. Choose brightly-colored items to draw attention to an area. If there’s a feature in your home that you really like, such as a mantle with interesting molding or a bookshelf where you keep your books, draw attention to it with bright colors. Your eye will automatically be drawn to the brighter shades, making that area really stand out.

For instance, you might put a bright glass vase on a shelf to add a pop of color, or you could hang a colorful painting on the wall above your fireplace to show it off.

Look through the things you already have to find bright colors, or buy accent pieces on sale or at secondhand stores.

3. Arrange items in odd-numbered groups. For some reason, people find odd numbers of items more pleasing to look at than even-numbered groups. As you’re deciding where to place decor around your home, you can elevate the styling by sticking to odd-numbered arrangements.

For instance, you might try stacking 5 books together on a shelf, flanked by 2 heavy bookends, or you could use an odd number of picture frames if you create a gallery wall.

You could also make a tableau out of different objects, such as a vase, a painting leaned against the wall, and a small bowl filled with pretty rocks.

This is a simple trick that you can use to freshen up your decor without buying anything new!

4. Buy sheets and bedding on sale to update your bedroom. Look for seasonal home sales throughout the year, and when you find a good one, buy new sheets, pillowcases, and a comforter for your bedroom. This small change can make your bedroom feel more luxurious and can pull the room together, and if you find a good deal, it doesn’t have to cost very much money.

If you have a sewing machine, you can even make your own sheets!

Just buy throw pillows or a throw blanket in a fun new pattern or color if you can’t afford to buy a whole set of bedding at once.

5. Buy or make new throw pillows for your couch to personalize your living area. Throw pillows make your couch seem more inviting and comfy, and they can also help pull the design of your room together. Choose pillows in a color that’s used somewhere else in the room, or find them in a design that goes with the theme of the room.

For instance, if your room has a nature theme, you might choose pillows with a design featuring leaves, trees, or birds.

You can even recover your old throw pillows to give them a new look. Buying pillow covers is cheaper and can change the look of items simply and inexpensively.

6. Make your own curtains to add a pretty touch to any window. Curtains add a touch of elegance to a room, but buying drapes can be very expensive. If you can’t find a good sale on curtains you love, try making your own. Just sew a pocket into the top of a long strip of fabric, hem the other end, and run a curtain rod through the pocket.

You can also make your own shower curtain to freshen up your bathroom! Just make sure you use a waterproof shower curtain liner so the fabric doesn’t get water-stained.

Shower curtains and sheets can be fashioned into curtains as well. If you find a pattern or color you love, don't hesitate to use these for drapery.

7. Update your cabinet pulls, faucets, and other small hardware. The knobs on your cabinets and drawers, the handles on our sink and bathtub, and the knobs on your appliances can all get grimy and dull over time. Replace them to freshen up the look of your bathroom and kitchen without spending a lot of money.

Tip: If you like the hardware you already have, but it’s seen better days, try giving it a good clean with melamine foam or oxygen bleach.

8. Add a touch of nature with houseplants, flowers, and fruit. Houseplants are calming, beautiful, and good for the environment, making them a perfect addition for indoor decor. However, if you’re afraid you don’t have a green thumb, you can fill a vase or a bowl with fresh flowers or fruit, and change it whenever they start to turn brown.

You can even use artificial plants or flowers, but remember to dust them regularly!

9. Make your own art with inexpensive picture frames. Framed art doesn’t have to be expensive to look amazing. Buy several inexpensive frames that are the same color, shape, or size. Then, frame photos of your loved ones, pressed flowers, old calendar pages, or even pictures you print out from online!

Group several frames together to create your very own gallery wall.

If you have small keepsakes you’d like to display, place them in a shadow box and hang them on your wall.

Method 2 Finding Cheap or Free Items.

1. Rearrange the furniture you already have in your house. The easiest way to refresh your home is to rearrange your furniture and move your decor around. Think about how you’d like your space to look when you’re finished decorating. Then, go from room to room, looking at each piece of furniture or decorative object. Try to imagine how you could re-use each piece, and you might be surprised what you can come up with!

Sometimes just moving a big piece of furniture, like your couch or your bed, can give you a whole new perspective on a room!

With a little imagination, you might find that the nightstand in your spare room would make an awesome TV stand, or an old trunk could become the perfect coffee table!

Try to keep as many of your current possessions as you can. You’ll spend a lot more money redecorating if you try to replace everything at once.

Use things that you wouldn’t normally use for different purposes - like an old trunk as a coffee table or a scarf as a wall hanging.

2. Ask your family and friends if they have furniture or decor they don’t want. Reach out to your network and let them know you’re trying to change things up around your house. Keep in mind, however, that you shouldn’t take anything unless you really like or need it. Otherwise, you’ll just be adding clutter to your home.

If you know anyone who is moving, they might be happy to get rid of some items and you could take them off their hands. Even they aren't perfect, you can paint items or change them up to fit your style.

You can even post on social media asking if anyone has a specific item that you’re looking for.

3. Shop secondhand to find pieces you love at a deep discount. If you’re shopping on a budget, thrift stores, secondhand stores, yard sales, flea markets, and estate sales can be a great way to find items you wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. Sometimes you can even find new or like-new items at a huge discount.

Secondhand shops tend to have a lot of turnover in their inventory, so you may want to visit the same shops a few different times through the redecorating process, especially if you like the kind of items they carry. If you need to, travel to shops in nearby neighborhoods to find a wider selection.

Shopping after the holidays and during the spring is a good idea, because people tend to clean out their homes then.

Don’t be discouraged from buying something that has chipped paint, a dent or is slightly worn - this can all be easily fixed and adds character.

If you notice that an item has been at a certain shop for a while without selling, ask the manager if they’d be willing to sell it to you at a discount. This can be especially helpful if you’re buying large furniture, since the store will sometimes be eager to reclaim their floor space.

Tip: Pay attention to the prices of items, even in a secondhand shop. Some shops, especially those specializing in antiques, can still be quite pricey.

4. Look for sales if you’re buying new items. Don’t feel that everything you buy needs to be secondhand. Many retailers offer big sales throughout the year, especially around holidays. Look in your local newspaper, watch for TV commercials advertising sales, or check the stores’ websites so you’ll know when a sale is coming up.

You can also sign up for emails from some of the stores you like so you can be notified when a sale is coming up. There are even websites that are dedicated to finding deals, and you can sign up for email alerts from them as well.

Check your favorite stores online - there is usually a discount for online shopping and it will save you time as well.

Also, don’t forget to check the clearance section once you’re in the store. Often, shops will put a steep discount on merchandise that’s left over from a seasonal promotion or an older collection. These sales are typically not advertised.

5. Refinish or reupholster furniture to give it a new look. When you’re shopping, especially if you’re looking at secondhand items, pay more attention to the shape of the furniture than the color of it. You can sand away the existing stain on wood furniture and restain it or paint it to give it a whole new look. You can also reupholster fabric-covered furniture, like couches, recliners, and dining chairs!

Sometimes, you can save a lot of money by buying unfinished wood furniture. That means the wood is still in its natural state, and it hasn’t been sealed or stained. Try looking online to find a store near you that specializes in unfinished furniture.

Try changing out the drawer pulls on a dresser to give it a fresh, updated look. Even better, you can buy inexpensive drawer pulls from a home improvement store for just a few dollars!

You can even replace the foam in worn-out cushions to make the piece seem as good as new.

6. Don’t try to redecorate everything at once. If you’re on a budget, it’s not practical to try to buy everything all at the same time. Instead, try to embrace the idea that redecorating your home is a long-term project. Make a little time on the weekends to hunt for a great deal or a unique treasure that you’ll love.

It might help to focus on one room at a time, but don’t let that keep you from buying something for another room if you see a great deal. If you're redecorating your living room first but you see the perfect comforter on clearance, for instance, you might want to buy it if you can.

If shopping isn’t your favorite thing to do, find a friend who’ll be happy to go with you. That will help make the experience more fun for you.

Don’t feel like you have to finish one space at a time. Especially if you're on a budget, it can be hard to wait for the perfect piece to go on sale or to find it second hand. Pick up things when you find a good deal and it will all come together eventually.

Method 3 Making Cheap Updates.

1. Paint the walls with a new coat of paint to freshen up a room. If you own your home or have permission from your landlord, painting is an inexpensive way to brighten everything up and make it look newer. Take everything out of the room that you can and cover the floor with a drop cloth. Then, cover the wall in 1-2 coats of primer, let those dry, and go back over the walls with your chosen paint color.

Light colors will make a room look larger, so avoid very dark colors in a small room.

Cool colors like blue and green are relaxing, so they’re a great choice for bedrooms. Warm colors are very inviting, so they’re great for living areas and kitchens.

You can even get creative by painting one wall a different color or by adding stripes,chevrons, or chalkboard paint to your walls.

If you love the look of wallpaper but don’t have room in your budget, use a stencil to paint a pattern on your walls instead!

If you have dark trim or wooden doors, you can paint those too for a fresh, updated look.

2. Change the light fixtures in a room for a quick upgrade. Dated or ugly light fixtures can bring down the look of a room, even if you don’t consciously pay attention to them. If you can find a good deal on a new light fixture, changing it yourself is usually pretty easy. Just turn off the power to the room at your circuit breaker, remove the old light fixture, and rewire the new one. Take care to match up the negative and positive wires, then attach the new fixture to the ceiling with the provided brackets and screws.

Don’t feel that you necessarily have to buy new light fixtures. Sometimes, all it takes it a good cleaning or a coat of spray paint to bring new life to the light fixtures you already have.

Adding a new shade or cover is inexpensive and can quickly update the look of older fixtures.

If you don’t feel comfortable working with wiring yourself, it might be worth it to save up and have an electrician do the job.

Tip: If you have a lot of lamps, try updating your lamp shades!

3. Cover the back of a bookcase with contact paper to give it a new look. Bookcases provide a lot of practical storage, so even if you’re not in love with yours, it might be best to keep it. Luckily, you can give it new life by covering the back walls with colorful contact paper, wallpaper scraps, or even fabric. This will brighten up the bookcase and will provide a nice contrast to show off whatever you’re displaying on the shelves.

You can also paint your bookcase, if you’d like. Paint it a different color from the walls to make it stand out, or paint it the same color if you want it to look like it’s a part of the wall.

4. Add architectural trim to your walls. Architectural trim, also called molding or decorative trim, can make a room look expensive, but it doesn’t necessarily cost a lot. Try installing it around your ceiling or floors, on your cabinets, or around your windows to create an upscale look on a budget.

You can even find stick-on molding, making this project easy and cheap!

To mimic the look of moldings, add trim 6 inches above your floor trim and paint the gap to match the trim. This will give you the look of architectural trim for less than half of the usual price.

5. Add rugs to bring warmth to a room. Carpeting and rugs create a cozy, warm feeling, but replacing your carpet can be very expensive. Instead, look for sales on area rugs that match your theme or color palette for each room.

If buying a new rug is too expensive, visit a flooring store and ask if they have vinyl remnants. These are pieces of vinyl left over from previous projects that are too small to re-use, but are often large enough to use as an area rug. To personalize the look even more, paint a design on the remnant with acrylic paints and seal with concrete sealer.

6. Hang mirrors to make a room feel larger. Look for large mirrors at secondhand shops and home improvement stores, then install them wherever you need more space. Mirrors help create an optical illusion that a space is larger than it really is, so wall mirrors are a great touch in smaller rooms or narrow hallways. In addition, the mirrors will reflect any light that’s in the room, making it look brighter.

If you like the shape of a mirror but not the frame, try painting it!

If you have an unframed mirror in your bathroom and can’t afford a new one, you can frame your mirror in by attaching moldings around all four sides.


Look for DIY design ideas for fun projects to decorate your home that you can do yourself!


Whenever you're painting, priming, or sanding something, make sure the room is well-ventilated, and take regular breaks to get fresh air.
Desember 18, 2019

How to Decorate Your Home on a Budget.

If you’re on a budget, it might seem impossible to redecorate your home. After all, home furnishings and decor can be very expensive if you buy everything all at once. Luckily, though, there are plenty of ways to save money as you freshen up your home’s appearance. Try buying items a little at a time, and buy second-hand or find great sales whenever you can. Also, look for creative ways to repurpose items you already have, or even upcycle things you find while you’re shopping!

Method 1 Adding Personality with Small Details.

1. Display your favorite items out in the open. Showing off something you already have is a great way to decorate without spending any money at all. If you have a piece that always makes you smile, like a special heirloom or a painting you love, put it somewhere you spend a lot of time, like your bedroom, kitchen, or living room. As you’re choosing other items for that room, try to think of what will go with the pieces you love the most.

For instance, if you hang up a painting in your living room, look for throw pillows or a rug that have some of the same colors as the painting.

Get rid of items you don’t love and just display the decor that you really like. Your favorite items will become statement pieces, and you’ll appreciate what you do have more.

2. Choose brightly-colored items to draw attention to an area. If there’s a feature in your home that you really like, such as a mantle with interesting molding or a bookshelf where you keep your books, draw attention to it with bright colors. Your eye will automatically be drawn to the brighter shades, making that area really stand out.

For instance, you might put a bright glass vase on a shelf to add a pop of color, or you could hang a colorful painting on the wall above your fireplace to show it off.

Look through the things you already have to find bright colors, or buy accent pieces on sale or at secondhand stores.

3. Arrange items in odd-numbered groups. For some reason, people find odd numbers of items more pleasing to look at than even-numbered groups. As you’re deciding where to place decor around your home, you can elevate the styling by sticking to odd-numbered arrangements.

For instance, you might try stacking 5 books together on a shelf, flanked by 2 heavy bookends, or you could use an odd number of picture frames if you create a gallery wall.

You could also make a tableau out of different objects, such as a vase, a painting leaned against the wall, and a small bowl filled with pretty rocks.

This is a simple trick that you can use to freshen up your decor without buying anything new!

4. Buy sheets and bedding on sale to update your bedroom. Look for seasonal home sales throughout the year, and when you find a good one, buy new sheets, pillowcases, and a comforter for your bedroom. This small change can make your bedroom feel more luxurious and can pull the room together, and if you find a good deal, it doesn’t have to cost very much money.

If you have a sewing machine, you can even make your own sheets!

Just buy throw pillows or a throw blanket in a fun new pattern or color if you can’t afford to buy a whole set of bedding at once.

5. Buy or make new throw pillows for your couch to personalize your living area. Throw pillows make your couch seem more inviting and comfy, and they can also help pull the design of your room together. Choose pillows in a color that’s used somewhere else in the room, or find them in a design that goes with the theme of the room.

For instance, if your room has a nature theme, you might choose pillows with a design featuring leaves, trees, or birds.

You can even recover your old throw pillows to give them a new look. Buying pillow covers is cheaper and can change the look of items simply and inexpensively.

6. Make your own curtains to add a pretty touch to any window. Curtains add a touch of elegance to a room, but buying drapes can be very expensive. If you can’t find a good sale on curtains you love, try making your own. Just sew a pocket into the top of a long strip of fabric, hem the other end, and run a curtain rod through the pocket.

You can also make your own shower curtain to freshen up your bathroom! Just make sure you use a waterproof shower curtain liner so the fabric doesn’t get water-stained.

Shower curtains and sheets can be fashioned into curtains as well. If you find a pattern or color you love, don't hesitate to use these for drapery.

7. Update your cabinet pulls, faucets, and other small hardware. The knobs on your cabinets and drawers, the handles on our sink and bathtub, and the knobs on your appliances can all get grimy and dull over time. Replace them to freshen up the look of your bathroom and kitchen without spending a lot of money.

Tip: If you like the hardware you already have, but it’s seen better days, try giving it a good clean with melamine foam or oxygen bleach.

8. Add a touch of nature with houseplants, flowers, and fruit. Houseplants are calming, beautiful, and good for the environment, making them a perfect addition for indoor decor. However, if you’re afraid you don’t have a green thumb, you can fill a vase or a bowl with fresh flowers or fruit, and change it whenever they start to turn brown.

You can even use artificial plants or flowers, but remember to dust them regularly!

9. Make your own art with inexpensive picture frames. Framed art doesn’t have to be expensive to look amazing. Buy several inexpensive frames that are the same color, shape, or size. Then, frame photos of your loved ones, pressed flowers, old calendar pages, or even pictures you print out from online!

Group several frames together to create your very own gallery wall.

If you have small keepsakes you’d like to display, place them in a shadow box and hang them on your wall.

Method 2 Finding Cheap or Free Items.

1. Rearrange the furniture you already have in your house. The easiest way to refresh your home is to rearrange your furniture and move your decor around. Think about how you’d like your space to look when you’re finished decorating. Then, go from room to room, looking at each piece of furniture or decorative object. Try to imagine how you could re-use each piece, and you might be surprised what you can come up with!

Sometimes just moving a big piece of furniture, like your couch or your bed, can give you a whole new perspective on a room!

With a little imagination, you might find that the nightstand in your spare room would make an awesome TV stand, or an old trunk could become the perfect coffee table!

Try to keep as many of your current possessions as you can. You’ll spend a lot more money redecorating if you try to replace everything at once.

Use things that you wouldn’t normally use for different purposes - like an old trunk as a coffee table or a scarf as a wall hanging.

2. Ask your family and friends if they have furniture or decor they don’t want. Reach out to your network and let them know you’re trying to change things up around your house. Keep in mind, however, that you shouldn’t take anything unless you really like or need it. Otherwise, you’ll just be adding clutter to your home.

If you know anyone who is moving, they might be happy to get rid of some items and you could take them off their hands. Even they aren't perfect, you can paint items or change them up to fit your style.

You can even post on social media asking if anyone has a specific item that you’re looking for.

3. Shop secondhand to find pieces you love at a deep discount. If you’re shopping on a budget, thrift stores, secondhand stores, yard sales, flea markets, and estate sales can be a great way to find items you wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. Sometimes you can even find new or like-new items at a huge discount.

Secondhand shops tend to have a lot of turnover in their inventory, so you may want to visit the same shops a few different times through the redecorating process, especially if you like the kind of items they carry. If you need to, travel to shops in nearby neighborhoods to find a wider selection.

Shopping after the holidays and during the spring is a good idea, because people tend to clean out their homes then.

Don’t be discouraged from buying something that has chipped paint, a dent or is slightly worn - this can all be easily fixed and adds character.

If you notice that an item has been at a certain shop for a while without selling, ask the manager if they’d be willing to sell it to you at a discount. This can be especially helpful if you’re buying large furniture, since the store will sometimes be eager to reclaim their floor space.

Tip: Pay attention to the prices of items, even in a secondhand shop. Some shops, especially those specializing in antiques, can still be quite pricey.

4. Look for sales if you’re buying new items. Don’t feel that everything you buy needs to be secondhand. Many retailers offer big sales throughout the year, especially around holidays. Look in your local newspaper, watch for TV commercials advertising sales, or check the stores’ websites so you’ll know when a sale is coming up.

You can also sign up for emails from some of the stores you like so you can be notified when a sale is coming up. There are even websites that are dedicated to finding deals, and you can sign up for email alerts from them as well.

Check your favorite stores online - there is usually a discount for online shopping and it will save you time as well.

Also, don’t forget to check the clearance section once you’re in the store. Often, shops will put a steep discount on merchandise that’s left over from a seasonal promotion or an older collection. These sales are typically not advertised.

5. Refinish or reupholster furniture to give it a new look. When you’re shopping, especially if you’re looking at secondhand items, pay more attention to the shape of the furniture than the color of it. You can sand away the existing stain on wood furniture and restain it or paint it to give it a whole new look. You can also reupholster fabric-covered furniture, like couches, recliners, and dining chairs!

Sometimes, you can save a lot of money by buying unfinished wood furniture. That means the wood is still in its natural state, and it hasn’t been sealed or stained. Try looking online to find a store near you that specializes in unfinished furniture.

Try changing out the drawer pulls on a dresser to give it a fresh, updated look. Even better, you can buy inexpensive drawer pulls from a home improvement store for just a few dollars!

You can even replace the foam in worn-out cushions to make the piece seem as good as new.

6. Don’t try to redecorate everything at once. If you’re on a budget, it’s not practical to try to buy everything all at the same time. Instead, try to embrace the idea that redecorating your home is a long-term project. Make a little time on the weekends to hunt for a great deal or a unique treasure that you’ll love.

It might help to focus on one room at a time, but don’t let that keep you from buying something for another room if you see a great deal. If you're redecorating your living room first but you see the perfect comforter on clearance, for instance, you might want to buy it if you can.

If shopping isn’t your favorite thing to do, find a friend who’ll be happy to go with you. That will help make the experience more fun for you.

Don’t feel like you have to finish one space at a time. Especially if you're on a budget, it can be hard to wait for the perfect piece to go on sale or to find it second hand. Pick up things when you find a good deal and it will all come together eventually.

Method 3 Making Cheap Updates.

1. Paint the walls with a new coat of paint to freshen up a room. If you own your home or have permission from your landlord, painting is an inexpensive way to brighten everything up and make it look newer. Take everything out of the room that you can and cover the floor with a drop cloth. Then, cover the wall in 1-2 coats of primer, let those dry, and go back over the walls with your chosen paint color.

Light colors will make a room look larger, so avoid very dark colors in a small room.

Cool colors like blue and green are relaxing, so they’re a great choice for bedrooms. Warm colors are very inviting, so they’re great for living areas and kitchens.

You can even get creative by painting one wall a different color or by adding stripes, chevrons, or chalkboard paint to your walls.

If you love the look of wallpaper but don’t have room in your budget, use a stencil to paint a pattern on your walls instead!

If you have dark trim or wooden doors, you can paint those too for a fresh, updated look.

2. Change the light fixtures in a room for a quick upgrade. Dated or ugly light fixtures can bring down the look of a room, even if you don’t consciously pay attention to them. If you can find a good deal on a new light fixture, changing it yourself is usually pretty easy. Just turn off the power to the room at your circuit breaker, remove the old light fixture, and rewire the new one. Take care to match up the negative and positive wires, then attach the new fixture to the ceiling with the provided brackets and screws.

Don’t feel that you necessarily have to buy new light fixtures. Sometimes, all it takes it a good cleaning or a coat of spray paint to bring new life to the light fixtures you already have.

Adding a new shade or cover is inexpensive and can quickly update the look of older fixtures.

If you don’t feel comfortable working with wiring yourself, it might be worth it to save up and have an electrician do the job.

Tip: If you have a lot of lamps, try updating your lamp shades!

3. Cover the back of a bookcase with contact paper to give it a new look. Bookcases provide a lot of practical storage, so even if you’re not in love with yours, it might be best to keep it. Luckily, you can give it new life by covering the back walls with colorful contact paper, wallpaper scraps, or even fabric. This will brighten up the bookcase and will provide a nice contrast to show off whatever you’re displaying on the shelves.

You can also paint your bookcase, if you’d like. Paint it a different color from the walls to make it stand out, or paint it the same color if you want it to look like it’s a part of the wall.

4. Add architectural trim to your walls. Architectural trim, also called molding or decorative trim, can make a room look expensive, but it doesn’t necessarily cost a lot. Try installing it around your ceiling or floors, on your cabinets, or around your windows to create an upscale look on a budget.

You can even find stick-on molding, making this project easy and cheap!

To mimic the look of moldings, add trim 6 inches above your floor trim and paint the gap to match the trim. This will give you the look of architectural trim for less than half of the usual price.

5. Add rugs to bring warmth to a room. Carpeting and rugs create a cozy, warm feeling, but replacing your carpet can be very expensive. Instead, look for sales on area rugs that match your theme or color palette for each room.

If buying a new rug is too expensive, visit a flooring store and ask if they have vinyl remnants. These are pieces of vinyl left over from previous projects that are too small to re-use, but are often large enough to use as an area rug. To personalize the look even more, paint a design on the remnant with acrylic paints and seal with concrete sealer.

6. Hang mirrors to make a room feel larger. Look for large mirrors at secondhand shops and home improvement stores, then install them wherever you need more space. Mirrors help create an optical illusion that a space is larger than it really is, so wall mirrors are a great touch in smaller rooms or narrow hallways. In addition, the mirrors will reflect any light that’s in the room, making it look brighter.

If you like the shape of a mirror but not the frame, try painting it!

If you have an unframed mirror in your bathroom and can’t afford a new one, you can frame your mirror in by attaching moldings around all four sides.

Question : Can I use a blanket as a rug?
Answer : If it is a tightly woven blanket it might work, but make sure it can be walked on without sliding around a lot. Also make sure it can be cleaned well and won't be torn or unraveled if used as a rug. There are certain bath mats that can be used for house rugs, too. It's great if it can be machine washable.


Look for DIY design ideas for fun projects to decorate your home that you can do yourself!


Whenever you're painting, priming, or sanding something, make sure the room is well-ventilated, and take regular breaks to get fresh air.
Januari 21, 2020

How to Organize a Small Apartment.

Whether someone is seeking a more minimalist lifestyle or a small space is all that's in their price range, it's very common for people to live in small apartments. You might be wondering how you could possible fit all your belongings into such a small space. Luckily, with some smart creative organizing, you can maximize the space available in your living area, closets, bedroom, and kitchen.

Part 1 Avoiding Clutter in Your Living Area.

1. Attach hooks to the wall in your entryway. Jackets, purses, and bags can take up a lot of space if they’re thrown around. By installing hooks just inside the front door, you’ll have a designated spot for these items. That way you and your guests can leave your jackets and bags here, freeing up space in the rest of the room.

You could also use a standing coat rack for the same purpose. That way, you won’t have to worry about drilling holes in your wall.

There are also sticky hooks you could use that attach to the wall without the need for screws or nails.

2. Hang shoe organizers inside your closets to free up space. You might not realize that the inside of your closet doors have tons of space for storage. Hanging shoe organizers give you storage pockets for all your footwear that might otherwise clutter your floor or closet space.

Mount these organizers inside all your closets to get even more storage space.

Remember, shoe organizers don’t have to only hold shoes. They’re great for storing all kinds of things that might be cluttering your home!

3. Place space-saving corner shelves throughout your apartment. Maximize your storage room by using all of the corner space available in your apartment. Installing these shelves will give you more room for storage, or for displaying decorations to give your apartment some character.

You can either use shelves mounted to the wall, or get a few corner shelf stands.

4. Use floor-to-ceiling bookcases to take advantage of vertical storage. In a small apartment, all your storage must be done vertically. Tall bookcases are a great investment because they take advantage of this and let you store items from your floor all the way up to your ceiling.

Remember, bookcases aren’t just for books. They can store electronics, video games, file folders, or just about anything else that might otherwise end up in a drawer.

5. Find a pop-up coffee table to maximize your space. This type of coffee table opens up to reveal storage space inside. Some types also extend, allowing multiple people to use a seemingly small table.

You can also find a coffee table with drawers. This will still conceal storage space in a functional piece of furniture.

6. Get rid of things you don’t need to prevent clutter. One of the keys to living in a small apartment is minimizing the amount of things you have to store. You might organize your apartment perfectly but still not have enough room. In this case, it’s time to take a look at what you own and decide what you can live without.

Remember to donate things that are still in good condition. Homeless shelters, veterans’ organizations, and other charities would love to have your old clothes and other items.

Part 2 Making Space in Your Bedroom.

1. Get a bed with storage space. Some beds come with built-in storage space. This is a huge space saver in a small bedroom. If your bed has enough storage, you could avoid the need for a dresser or cabinet and increase your available floor space.

Some bed designs have built-in drawers. You could use these as a replacement for a dresser.

You could also invest in an Ottoman bed. With this design, the mattress lifts up to reveal storage space underneath. This space is perfect for clothes and linens.

If a bed with storage is out of your price range, you could also get a raised bed and use the space underneath to slide boxes.

2. Consider a Murphy bed if you live in a studio apartment. Your bed could take up a lot of space in a studio apartment. Murphy beds are designed to fold up into a compartment that looks like an ordinary cabinet. This frees up the space the bed was using saves a lot of room in a studio apartment.

Remember that Murphy beds can be expensive. Even cheaper models can be around $1,000. Consider your budget before making this investment.

3. Mount shelves above your bed for additional storage and décor. There is plenty of space above your bed for one or more shelves, avoiding the need for night tables that take up room.

Remember to test the height of any shelves you install above your bed. You should be able to sit up comfortably in bed without hitting your head, so make a mark on the wall where your head reaches up to.

Make sure any shelves above your bed are installed properly and the items you place on them are secure. You don’t want anything falling on your while you sleep!

4. Add a door hanger to your closet to free up closet space. You can maximize your closet space by installing a hanger rack on the inside of your closet door. This instantly doubles your space by allowing you to hang clothes on the normal closet rack and the door rack.

There are several models of door hangers available. The simplest just hook over the top of the closet door, making installation and removal easy.

5. Hang a full-length mirror on your door. A flat mirror can easily hook to the top of your bedroom door. This takes up very little space, and will make getting dressed a lot easier.

The added bonus here is that mirrors help rooms look bigger. If you're feeling cramped in your tiny bedroom, this addition could do the trick.

Hanging mirrors throughout your apartment could also make the rest of the space look bigger.

6. Get a laundry hamper and keep your dirty laundry in it. In a small bedroom, dirty laundry will accumulate fast. Designate a space for your dirty clothes with a hamper in your bedroom. This will prevent you from leaving clothes on your floor.

Also remember to do your laundry often! Your hamper will fill up quickly and you don't want the clutter to overflow.

Put your clean laundry away quickly too. Don't let a laundry basket take up your space.

Part 3 Maximizing Space in Your Kitchen.

1. Install wall hangers for your pots and pans. These take up a lot of space and you'll probably need your drawers and cabinets for storing utensils and cooking supplies. Take advantage of your kitchen's wall space by storing pots and pans vertically instead.

You could use screws to hang these hooks, or if you’d rather not drill holes in your wall, there are hooks that use sticky backs to attach to the wall.

The added bonus here is that your pots and pans will be easily-accessible, and you won't have to dig for them in a cabinet.

2. Mount spice racks to the wall to save space. You’ll probably run out of drawer space quickly in a small kitchen. Spice racks on the wall will give you room to store all your ingredients and keep your drawers free for utensils.

You probably have room for several spice racks, so feel free to install more than one for even more storage.

You can also use spice racks to store other things like napkins, cups, or salt shakers.

3. Use stackable shelves in your cabinets to stay organized. Cabinet space is precious in a small kitchen, so you have to make the most of what you have. By installing shelves in your cabinet, you can add two or even three rows of storage space that you didn't have before.

When stacking items, remember to organize them by weight. Heavy items like a crock pot should be on the bottom, and lighter items should be on the top.

4. Attach a folding table to your wall. If your kitchen or living area is too small for a table, there are models that hook to your wall and fold up. Like a Murphy bed, these tables free up space when not in use.

Some folding table models also include even more storage space inside the cabinet that houses the table. You can use this to store away any glassware or silverware that you might not know what to do with.

To further save space, consider pairing stackable chairs or stools with this table. Like the table, these can store away when not in use.

5. Store items above your refrigerator. There is more room up there than you think! The unused space above your refrigerator can add some more storage or decoration to your kitchen. For example, you could install shelves there and store cups, dishes, or even cookbooks.

A wine rack could also be a nice addition above your fridge.

6. Utilize the space above your cabinets for storage. Rather than collecting dust, this area can maximize the storage in your kitchen.

Extra pots and pans could fit nicely in this space. This would be convenient while you cook.

If there is enough space, you might even be able to install more shelves up here. This can store more silverware, or you can use it as an overflow area for some of the things in the rest of your apartment.

It's tempting to view these spaces as a junk area where you just throw things you don't need. Avoid that temptation! Keep these areas was well-organized as all your other spaces.

Februari 23, 2020

How to Build a Tiny House.

Many people have one very big loan, and that is a home mortgage. A mortgage can end up costing much more than your house is worth and takes much of your lifetime to pay off. One creative way to sidestep this problem is to make the choice to live in a tiny house. It is also a great way to live a minimalist life, avoiding being tied down by too much stuff. This article will start you off with some basic steps to cover when seeking to build a tiny house.

Part 1 Planning Your Build.

1. Figure out what kind of lifestyle you want to live. Your needs for mobility, stability and space will determine the type of tiny house you will be seeking to develop. Consider the following:

If you intend to move a lot, then a trailer-based home is probably a good choice.

If you think you'll maybe move once or twice, then you can use a bigger trailer base for your house a rent a truck to move it for you when the time comes.

Build onto the tiny house. You also have the option of building extensions to the main house, such as a deck or rooftop patio.

If you have a spot to build on, then you can do normal construction on a spot of land (this tends to be more expensive and permanent).

2. Determine what needs your home must meet. Sit down and make a list of all the things you want in your home. Of course, this is a tiny house, so you need to focus on the necessities, as there isn't any room for a lot of stuff. Examples of important basics for the house include:

One or more beds.

Appliances such as the oven, fridge, stovetop, microwave, etc., remembering that all of these will likely be much smaller than those you'd have in a standard size house.

Washer-dryer combo instead of two different machines.

3. Find a location to either park the trailer base or to build your tiny house in situ. Choose a location with accessibility to water and electricity. If this is not possible find a way to come up with alternatives. For example, many people prefer to use solar power and collect rain as part of the tiny house philosophy.

Part 2 Creating a First Draft of the House.

1. Map out all the things you want in your house. As you do so, keep in mind the exact amount of space you have to work with. It will always be less than you expect, so don't be surprised if you have to let go of some dream ideas but see this as an opportunity to be inventive rather than giving up on everything.

Include plenty of storage space and clever ideas such as stairs that include storage underneath.

This step works best by making an electronic floor plan of the house, or you can also make a actual model by hand so that you get a good sense of how it will look in your hands.

2. Scale the design so that the dimensions of your model will be accurate when building the house. A key aspect of this step is to build the house around the appliances you want. Go online and find the appliances that you will buy and go to the specs of the product. There will be dimensions for you to include in your floor plan/model.

Part 3 Making a Budget.

1. Work out the budget by concentrating on the main elements involved. These are appliances, labour, building materials and tools. Usually to build the house with all the desirable (kitchen, trailer, siding, etc.), an average cost is about $35,000 for a 24 ft trailer house. Keep in mind that the smaller the trailer, the cheaper the build. And, if you want fancier things and bigger size, the tiny house can cost up to $100,000.

2. Work out the appliance budget. With the appliances that you have selected in your floor plans as a base, include how much you can spend immediately. Then work out how much you can spend over time (that is, how much you can deduct from your paycheck towards the build).

3. Determine what you can do yourself. Then include the amount of labour that you can put in for things you can do yourself.

4. Figure out the cost of labour for professionals (i.e. plumber, electrician, builders).

5. Cost the tools you will need for your build. Renting the tools when necessary is one way to go so you don't have to put too much money into tools that you will not use again. For some basic tools it might be a better idea to just buy and own them if you don't already have them.This list provides a rundown of the tools you'll likely need.

Air compressor – Drives air powered tools like framing nailers and paint sprayers.

Caulking gun – Used to apply caulking and building adhesive.

Chalk line – Helps mark strait lines so that paneling, siding, and roofing stay in line.

Chisel – Used to finish cutting notches in wood.

Circular Saw – Handheld saw for cutting wood. Very versatile.

Clamps – Very useful when you need a second set of hands and none are available.

Crowbar – Good for amplifying elbow grease, and pulling nails.

Drill – Used for drilling holes and driving screws.

Dust Masks – Essential for protecting your lungs during dusty work.

Eye Protection – Essential for protecting your eyes during most cutting and other debris flinging work.

Framing nailer – Makes driving nails much easier.

Gloves – Essential for protecting your hands from splinters and abrasions.

Hacksaw – Used for cutting metal like pipes, nails, etc.

Hammer – Used for persuading lots of things on the job site, most commonly nails.

Impact driver – Like a drill, but drives screws better when the job is tough.

Level – Used to keep everything strait and level.

Miter saw – Used as a chop saw when many identical angered or strait cuts are needed.

Pliers – Used for pulling nails and most anything when your fingers aren’t tough enough.

Reciprocating Saw – Commonly used for demolition but also very handy for cutting nails and rough cuts on wood.

Rubber mallet – Ideal wen gentile persuasion is needed.

Socket wrench – Good for turning nuts in tight places, like when bolting your tiny house floor framing to the trailer.

Screwdrivers – Needed for turning screws and useful for opening paint cans.

Staple gun – Good for hanging vapor barriers, roofing felt, and can be used on house wrap.

Table saw – Ideal for making long strait cuts.

Tape measure – Used constantly for keeping everything accurate.

Tin snips – Used for cutting thin metal, like the aluminum flashing you’d use between your floor and trailer.

Toolbox – Helpful for keeping everything organized and transportable.

Utility knife – Used to cut thin material like roofing felt, house wrap, and vapor barrier.

Wire cutter – Used when wiring your tiny house.

Wrench – Necessary for turning nuts on bolts, like when connecting your tiny house to the trailer.

6. Put together a materials list. A typical list of materials that you will need in your tiny house. The amount of each that you will need depends on your build, and the cost will therefore reflect what type of tiny house you're building. Here are standard materials needed:

Trailer (varies in the size and length, wood for floors, walls, ceiling, and interior structures.

Installation for the walls, floor and ceiling (recommend Roxul - fire and water resistant).

Class D tires for the trailer, Typical house siding, Typical shingles for roof, Drywall.

Doors and windows, Cabinets and storage closets (many can be built from reclaimed wood if feasible).

Toilet (composting, RV toilet, or a actual functioning toilet).

Shower (typically small standing shower is used, a small tub can be added with creativity).

Sinks (kitchen, and bathroom), Counter-tops, Plenty of screws, braces, and nails.

Pipes for plumbing and propane lines for heating and water lines.

Electrical circuit wiring, outlets, switches, and breakers.

Tyvek wrapping for protection (or similar suited to your area).

Heating system, Regular appliances as selected by you.

Metal sheeting for flashing the trailer base (galvanized for durability).

7. Include solar power elements, as needed. If solar panels are going to be added, then you'll need the following as well: A charge controller, deep cycle batteries, and inverter to store charge and convert from DC to AC power.

Part 4 Constructing Your Tiny House.

Build the foundation of your tiny house

1. Level the trailer using jacks for the trailer. This step is important to do properly or your house will be tilted.

2. Build a frame on the trailer that your house will be built. Anchor the frame to the trailer so that your house does not slide off the trailer during transport keep in mind the weight distribution so that your house does not tip over.

3. Add galvanized sheet metal to flash the bottom of the trailer. This helps protect the home from rodents, water, and other elements from the bottom.

4. Put a floor frame on top. Add the insulation (Roxul) for more protection.

5. Install the sub floor on top.

Wall Framing

1. Build the walls as you had designed in your floor plans. Leave room for the windows and doors, as well as putting in the studs, and weight barring headers.

The headers are one of the aspects that are against building code, but are necessary for a tiny house, as every wall is a weight bearing wall.

You must ensure that everything is perfectly squared.

2. Double check that the windows and door fit in the spaces you made for them. Do this before you put the walls up.

At this point you might want to move anything inside the house that will not fit through the door depending on the design.

3. Sheath the walls while they are still down. Then raise the walls (with help, for safety reasons). Make sure that the walls are perfectly squared with the floor and other walls.

4. Secure the walls to the trailer with anchors.

Adding the Roof

1. Make sure that walls are perfectly parallel with each other before installing the rafters. Apply a spring brace to secure the walls and make them perfectly straight while installing the rafter

Double check the distance between the walls at the top for a good cut.

2. Construct the trusses per the plans that you made. Ensure that the height is under 13.5 ft to stay street legal (this may vary between countries, so check with the road authorities first).

3. Begin the sheathing process. Cut out the boards and glue the truss edges. Use clips to secure the sheets of wood into place and secure with nail/screws

4. Apply the Tyvek covering for more protection on the sheathing boards.

5. Install the reflection barrier followed by the furring strips and shingles.

Adding the Windows, Doors, and Siding

1. Make sure that door and window holes were cut in the walls that were put up.

2. Put Tyvek wrap outside the house for protection

3. Tuck the Tyvek wrapping into the window cut outs. Begin applying flash tape to the window sills to prevent water and heat from entering.

4. Install the windows and secure with a couple screws along the side. Then test the functionality.

5. Apply flashing tape to the outside of the window to insure it is sealed. Leave the bottom unsealed for water drainage, just in case.

For the doors, do the same thing as windows and flash the doorway then start installing the door frame.

6. Install the door. This can be made or purchased.

7. Install locks and door knobs.

8. Begin the siding process by taping the Tyvek seams and installing the furring strips. Paint both sides of the siding before putting up, to prevent rusting.

9. Hang the siding with a nail gun or as the product describes.

10. End the work on the outside by installing fascia boards and a drip edge.

Part 5 Creating the Interior of the Tiny House

1. Install a lofted platform at an optimal height for the sleeping area. This is a common practice in a tiny house. It will also need a ladder or staircase to reach the loft area.

2. Get electrical and plumbing installed by a professional at this point. Do not do this yourself unless you are a professional in these fields.

Make sure you instruct the professional on where you want your outlets, lights and sockets for your tiny house to accommodate the floor plan, such as gas lines for the propane to the stove/oven or water lines to the water heater and shower.

Put in the smoke and CO alarms at the same time.

Consider the power usage or your appliances and adjust accordingly.

3. Begin insulating the home from the inside. Make sure to put foam in the edges so that it is completely sealed.

Make sure that all materials are not affected by the foam, as some do react and that is not a good outcome.

4. Install the major fixtures now. This includes the heater, shower, toilet, sink, and water heater (preferably tankless). The heater weight should be considered in conjunction with the weight of the tiny house as a whole, and a safety zone and materials placed around it.

5. Install the desired flooring. For example, you could use hardwood in the living area and light tiles in the kitchen and bathroom areas. Splashbacks can also be used.

6. Install drywall and/or wall panels.

7. Construct the cabinets and counter tops for the kitchen. It is great if you can use recycled wood for these purposes. Include hookups and openings for the oven, fridge, and sink, etc.

8. Construct and install the bathroom vanity and storage. Install vents and the toilet.

9. Build in the storage units as per the initial design. You may also realize other possible storage options, so remain flexible and open to relevant changes.

10. Put in bulbs and outlet covers.

11. Decorate as desired. Your tiny house is complete. Now you can move in and enjoy your own space.

Question : How do I add a bathroom?

Answer : You need to decide whether you want it to be a whole little room of its own or just a cupboard-style loo with tiny shower. Keep it at one end of the tiny house and make sure it's well ventilated. Keep in mind weight if you're adding a bathtub.


While planning make notes of the materials you will use in there largest quantities as most stores will give you better deals when you buy in bulk. However it is necessary to know exact quantities as to not over buy, then your just wasting your money.

Keep in mind the Material while building, so most building materials come in increments of 4 to 8 feet, so build the house around those dimensions to keep it easier.


- Loans are hard to get when there is no much that you have to put up for collateral, it is almost impossible for someone just starting out to get a loan on a none.

Laws - building codes are generally made for regular houses, and city building codes usually frown on most of the common practices the tiny homes follow.

Land - It is hard to find a piece of land to set your tiny house up on, in-city is almost impossible, and outside in a rural area will not have proper hookups.

When putting up the walls, it is important to have help, as this is very dangerous for one person to do alone.

Februari 24, 2020

How to Recycle Items Into Home Decor.

Home decorating doesn't have to be expensive. You probably have many ordinary items that can find new life as decorations. So before you donate or dump anything, look at it with a creative eye. There might just be a way it can become part of your beautifully unique home.

Method 1 Using Garbage for Decor.

1. Make a lighted garland with old yogurt cups. A cute garland can be made with 10 empty yogurt cups of the same size. You'll also need gold acrylic paint, small paint brushes, a string of Christmas lights with 50 lights, thick ribbon, tulle netting, and an X-acto knife. You can get these supplies at a craft store.

To start, clean out the yogurt cups. You should also remove any plastic seals around the cups. Use the acrylic paint to paint the bottom halves gold. You may need to paint in two layers to get the color to stand out.

Cut about 80 strips of ribbon and tulle netting into 6 by 11.5 in (15 by 29 cm) strips. Alternating between and tulle netting and ribbon, tie bows along the wires of the Christmas lights.

Use the X-acto knife to cut a small "x" in the bottom of each yogurt cup. Push a yogurt cup through every fourth light. When you're done, you can hang your garland up in your home.

2. Create a jewelry holder with a wine bottle. If you have a clear wine bottle laying around, don't throw it away. You can make a jewelry container from the bottle. This can be a nice gift for yourself, or for a friend who wears jewelry. You'll need acrylic paint in your chosen color, gorilla glue, and an old salad plate.

Clean the wine bottle and remove any labels. Then, pour some acrylic paint into the bottle and swirl it around until the inside is painted. Add more paint if necessary. When the inside is roughly evenly coated with paint, pour the excess paint back into its original container.

Coat the bottom of the wine bottle with gorilla glue. Then, glue it to the salad plate. Set aside to dry for a day and then use your creation as a jewelry holder.

Once it’s dry, drape necklaces and bracelets around the mouth of the bottle.

3. Use newspaper or magazine pages to make a lampshade. If you subscribe to a magazine or local newspaper, tossing old papers may account for a lot of your waste. Instead of discarding old magazines or newspapers, use them to cover an old lamp. For this craft, you'll need a lampshade, old newspaper or magazine pages, Mod Podge, and a foam brush.

Use some scissors to vertically cut the newspaper or magazine pages into 1 inch (2.5 cm) strips. Apply a layer of Mod Podge to the lampshade. From here, apply the newspaper or magazine pages in strips until they cover the lampshade. Smooth out the paper as you go and trim any excess paper from the edges of the lamp.

When the lamp is covered, you should apply another layer of Mod Podge. This will give it a smooth, clean finish.

4. Glue rope around tin cans to make storage containers. With some twine, yarn, or braided or sisal rope and empty aluminum cans, you can make cute storage containers. Any kind of old can will work. You will also need a hot glue gun, scissors, and a plastic lid. You can use a plastic lid from something like a nut can as long as the diameter of the lid is at least 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) larger than the diameter of the can.

Begin at the bottom of the can. Apply a layer of glue around the can. Loop the rope around the can. Hold it in place until it’s dry. Then, apply another layer of glue around the can. Loop the rope up further, holding it in place, and let it dry. Keep going until you reach the top of the can and then cut the rope at an angle and glue the end to the edge of the can.

Take the plastic lid and apply glue all around the edge. Tie the rope around the edge and hold it in place until it’s dry. Circle the rope inward towards the center of the can, gluing it down as you go. When you reach the center, cut the rope off at an angle.

Method 2 Making Use of Old Kitchen Supplies.

1. Make cupboard handles with an old spoon and fork. If you have a spoon and a fork you no longer use, you can make a cute set of cupboard handles for your kitchen. At a craft or hardware store, get 4 aluminum screw posts. You should also get bonding glue. You might need to bend the utensils to get them to work for this project.

On one end of the fork, use the bonding glue to attach a screw post to the flattest area. Do the same with the spoon. Then, add another screw post to the other end of both utensils, making sure the screws are level with each other. Set the spoon and fork aside in a safe place to dry for 20 minutes. If you want, you can spray paint the new handles for a pop of color.

Remove the existing handles from a cabinet in your kitchen. Screw your new spoon and fork handles into the cabinet. You may have to drill new holes in the cabinets to correspond with the new handles.

2. Use a mason jar as a soap dispenser. Mason jars that once contained jams can be repurposed as soap dispensers for your bathroom. You will need to purchase a speed steel drill bit, which goes for about $10 at a hardware store, to do this craft. You'll also need a soap pump. You can use the pump from an old lotion bottle or buy a pump at a craft store.

Mark the center of the mason jar's lid. From there, drill a hole in the lid big enough to feed the soap dispenser pump through.

Fill the jar with soap. Screw the lid back on. You should now be able to pump soap through the mason jar.

3. Turn old glassware into fun display domes. If you have any old glasses, particularly stemless wine glasses, you can create cute display domes. Tumblers and canning jars also work well. Using an adhesive glue, glue a small decoration on the bottom of each glass. The decoration is up to you. You can purchase small figurines at a craft store, or use old knick-knacks from around your house.

You can place these domes over a variety of objects. You can use old figurines, photographs, or any other tiny item you'd like to display. Leave the domes in areas on the house, like a buffet table, for display.

4. Stamp gift wrap using wine corks. If you're making crafts around the holidays or a loved one's birthday, you can make a cute decorative wrapping using wine corks as stamps. You'll need some kind of craft paper or solid colored wrapping paper, an x-acto knife, acrylic paint, and glitter.

If you want to do a snowflake pattern, use the x-acto knife to carve 4 small triangles into the cork. If you want to simply use a dot design, leave the cork alone.

Wrap your gift in the kraft paper or blank paper. Then, dip the cork in the paint. Use scrap paper to blot off excess paint. From here, stamp your pattern onto the gift. Then, sprinkle the paint with some glitter. Let the package dry, and then decorate with a bow and ribbon as you wish.

Method 3 Making Crafts with Old Clothes.

1. Use a mitten to make a seasonal penguin doorstop. If you have an old mitten, you can use this to make a seasonal penguin doorstop. You will need an old black mitten, a needle and thread, a sewing machine, felt in orange, red, and white, Ziplock bags, 2 cups (~434 g) of sand, as well as a pair of sewing scissors.

Turn the mitten inside out. Sew closed the thumb opening and then turn the mitten right side out.

Take your white felt and cut an oval shape out of it, about half the length of the mitten. Sew it onto the mitten, a few inches below the top of the mitten. Cut a triangle shape out of the orange and sew it just above the top of the oval. Cut out 2 small circles, position them toward the top of the mitten as the penguin's eyes, and then sew on the top.

Fill your Ziploc bag with sand and close it. Place this inside the mitten with the bag pointing upward. Then, sew closed the opening of the mitten.

Cut a long strip of red felt and cut frays into the edges. Tie this around your penguin's neck as a scarf.

2. Make a pillow with an old shirt, quilt, or blanket. Pick out an old shirt, quilt, or blanket you no longer use, as well as a pillow that's in need of a cover. You can make a beautiful pillow out of this old fabric.

Trace out the shape you want. You aren’t limited to a square shape, and in fact a small circular throw pillow may work best. You can use a pen or pencil to draw around the edge of the pillow on either side of the shirt, quilt, or blanket.

Cut out your shape using sewing scissors.Then, pin the pieces together. You want the sides that will be the outside to be facing toward each other. This way, the seams will be invisible.

Sew seams along 3 edges and three-fourths of the fourth edge. When you're done, turn the fabric right side out.

Stuff polyfill stuffing, which you can buy at the craft store, through the hole that you left in the one edge. Make sure to stuff the pillow until you can’t really fit anything else.[9]

When your pillow is completely stuffed, sew the open edge shut.

3. Make a planter with an old pair of boots. Sturdy boot shafts work best for this project, but they aren’t essential. You can also use old rain boots. If there are holes in the soles or cracks in the rubber, that’s actually perfect, because you want them to drain a bit. The boot will look great on a porch or deck, especially if it is a bright color or pattern.

Drill a few holes in the sole. This is only necessary if the boots are still watertight. Make small holes and just enough to provide some drainage.

Put something heavy in the bottom. You can use gravel, pebbles, or anything else that will anchor the boot while still allowing it to drain.

Fill each boot about halfway with potting soil. Place one flower or plant in each boot. You can use practically anything that doesn’t require a lot of room for its roots.

Top up the potting soil. Don’t bury the roots too deep, especially if they tend to be shallow for that particular plant. You want enough to protect them.

Desember 22, 2019