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How to Choose Winter Interior Decor.

Home decor in general is, of course, a matter of personal taste, so when you're looking to decorate the house for winter, the best guide to follow is your own gut. However, an important first step is to decide which areas to focus on, both in your home overall and then within each room. Finding ways to emphasize warmth will then make your home that much comfier during the coldest months. And for those of you who take your shoes off indoors, layering rugs during the winter is a further way to add warmth while adding seasonal variety to your decor.

Deciding Where and How to Decorate.

Choose which rooms to decorate. If you have the budget, time, and inclination to overhaul your home entirely, feel free to go wild. If not, however, prioritize rooms that see the most use. Don't waste time and money on, say, your bedroom, which hardly anyone but you will see. Instead, focus on areas like your.

Living room.

Family room.

Dining room.



Pick a color scheme. If you're a purist, bring the outside in with seasonal colors that emphasize cold. If, on the other hand, you want to make your home a comfy hideaway from the elements, go the opposite route with warm colors. There's no right or wrong, so follow your instincts and please your own taste.

Cold color schemes include white paired with either blue, burgundy, emerald, gray, plum, or silver.

Warm colors also include white, as well as browns, reds, and yellows.

To find colors that match your paint, furniture, and other decor, use online color palettes.

Add seasonal decorations. If you celebrate Christmas, you're probably already starting the winter off by decorating for that. But whether or not you celebrate that holiday, search the aisles or online for decorations that don't tie directly into the holiday. Use these to decorate your home throughout the winter season, even after you've packed all the Santa stuff away.

Items to look for include figurines, framed pictures, snow globes, wreaths, and garland.

Neutral designs include snowmen, sleighs, winter villages, and bare or snow-covered evergreens.

Use small touches to drive winter home. Again, if you want to go hog-wild about it, feel free to make your home a winter wonderland with any number of appropriately themed decorations. But if time, budget, and space is limited, use them wisely. Consider:

Choosing one fanciful item to stand out as a seasonal centerpiece in a given area, like a model winter village to top a mantelpiece, bureau, or window seat.

Replacing everyday items with seasonally decorated ones, like dish- or hand towels, salt and pepper shakers, and placemats.

Investing in seasonal pillow cases, blankets, comforters, and/or even sofa- and armchair covers to quickly punch up areas like bedrooms, living rooms, and dens.

Choose decorations that transition from season to season. Between school and holidays, both fall and winter can be busy times of year, so plan ahead to minimize work. As you decorate for each season and/or holiday, use items that will still be appropriate as you roll over to the next so you can minimize work. For instance:

Red, yellow, orange, and brown scream autumn when bunched together, but each is a warm color that can help make your winter home more inviting. Say you decorated your living room with throw pillows in all four colors for fall. Simply take away the yellow and orange ones and leave the red and brown pillows.

Hanging wreaths with bare branches is a popular way to decorate for both fall and winter. Simply swap the autumn leaves with more winter-appropriate flair like holly leaves, oranges, or leaves painted in cool colors like blue or silver.

Evergreen garland and pine cones are Christmas favorites, but on their own they work just as well for the whole winter.

Making Your Space Feel Warm and Cozy.

Provide literal warmth with fire. If your house has one, use your fireplace! Rearrange the furniture to make the hearth the centerpiece of that room. Make a blazing fire a daily, nightly, or weekly ritual with your loved ones.

If your fireplace is inoperable, stack some bright firewood in the rack anyway to suggest the idea of a nice warm fire.

Set out candles. Whether or not you have a fireplace, light candles to add the flickering glow of flames to your home. Choose candlesticks or holders that enhance the winter theme either by color, design, or both. Enhance the effect by burning scented candles that fill the house with pleasing smells that highlight the season.

Gold or brass candlesticks provide warm colors and reflective surfaces, enhancing the light and suggestion of warmth.

Mugs, bowls, and jars filled with readymade candles and decorated with seasonal designs are also widely available.

Popular scents for winter include cinnamon, cloves, oranges, pine cones, and various types of wood.

Alternatively, you can also use LED candles if you're worried about fire risks or forbidden to use candles.

Add throws to seating areas. Drape throw blankets over the backs of your couches and armchairs. Arrange throw pillows in the corners of each one, too. If you have an accent chair, pile extras on the seat so family, roommates, and guests can help themselves as needed. Don't be mingy with them; the more, the better!

Choose neutral-colored throw pillows and blankets to use year-round. This way, you can easily dress up each seating area with just a couple of new winter-themed blankets and/or pillows.

Change your curtains. Make an instant dramatic change to your home by hanging curtains selected especially for winter. Choose whichever color or design highlights the season best for your tastes, but favor thick, heavy fabrics to suggest more warmth and protection from the cold outside. For the best insulation, choose thermal curtains, which are designed to prevent heat from escaping while also blocking drafts from the windows.

If you miss the sunlight in winter and still want to let it in without keeping the drapes shut all day, you can also find thermal-backed vertical blinds that allow more light to pass through with minimal heat loss.

Layering Rugs for Extra Coziness.

Determine the best spaces to layer rugs. Assess how much visibility the floor area receives in each room. Favor open areas over small, cramped ones. Use layered rugs where they will stand out and be noticed, rather than areas where furniture blocks them from view.

Larger rooms like the living room or den are generally ideal for this. Depending on the square footage and the amount of furniture inside, master bedrooms can also be a likely candidate.

Layered rugs can also be used in smaller spaces with little or no furniture, like hallways or bathrooms. However, expect rugs to possibly wear out faster here due to concentrated foot traffic.

Select your rugs. Maybe you're buying both at once, or perhaps you're trying to pair a new rug with one that you already own. Either way, make sure the base rug and accent rug complement each other. Make your selections according to.

Size: whether you're choosing an accent rug, base rug, or both, aim to have at least one foot (30.5 cm) of the base rug revealed along each side of the accent rug. With the base rug, always err on the side of too big if you're unsure of how large a rug you should select.

Supporting role versus starring role: favor neutral rugs for your base. Let the accent rug shine by choosing a base rug that won't upstage it. At the same time, make life easier by going with a base rug that can be used year-round while you switch accent rugs by season.

Contrast: make the accent rug pop out even more by pairing it with a base rug that contrasts it. Use color, pile height, shape, texture, or a combination of these features to make your selections more eye-catching.

Lay out your rugs. For areas like hallways or bathrooms without furniture, simply center the rugs in the open floor space. In more heavily furnished rooms, use your rugs to define specific spaces within that room, such as a sitting area in your living room, or the desk area in your home office. This may take a little trial-and-error depending on the sizes of your rugs, the open space available, and the surrounding furniture. For example.

One rule of thumb is to cover at least two feet (61 cm) of both rugs with the furniture surrounding it. Let's say your rug is being placed at the foot of a single 3-seat sofa in the living room, with no other surrounding furniture. As long as you're happy with the amount of rug visible, this should be fine.

Now let's say you're framing the rugs with an L-shaped couch. Covering two feet on either side of the base rug may look fine, but doing the same to a small accent rug may not. Here, you may want to pull the accent rug out from underneath on one or both sides..

Now say that you also have a coffee table to go with your L-shaped couch. If it's solid wood (as opposed to glass and see-through), you may wish to pull either the accent rug or both rugs further out from underneath the couch so they are more visible.

November 17, 2019

How to Decorate Your Home on a Budget.

If you’re on a budget, it might seem impossible to redecorate your home. After all, home furnishings and decor can be very expensive if you buy everything all at once. Luckily, though, there are plenty of ways to save money as you freshen up your home’s appearance. Try buying items a little at a time, and buy second-hand or find great sales whenever you can. Also, look for creative ways to repurpose items you already have, or even upcycle things you find while you’re shopping!

Method 1 Adding Personality with Small Details.

1. Display your favorite items out in the open. Showing off something you already have is a great way to decorate without spending any money at all. If you have a piece that always makes you smile, like a special heirloom or a painting you love, put it somewhere you spend a lot of time, like your bedroom, kitchen, or living room. As you’re choosing other items for that room, try to think of what will go with the pieces you love the most.

For instance, if you hang up a painting in your living room, look for throw pillows or a rug that have some of the same colors as the painting.

Get rid of items you don’t love and just display the decor that you really like. Your favorite items will become statement pieces, and you’ll appreciate what you do have more.

2. Choose brightly-colored items to draw attention to an area. If there’s a feature in your home that you really like, such as a mantle with interesting molding or a bookshelf where you keep your books, draw attention to it with bright colors. Your eye will automatically be drawn to the brighter shades, making that area really stand out.

For instance, you might put a bright glass vase on a shelf to add a pop of color, or you could hang a colorful painting on the wall above your fireplace to show it off.

Look through the things you already have to find bright colors, or buy accent pieces on sale or at secondhand stores.

3. Arrange items in odd-numbered groups. For some reason, people find odd numbers of items more pleasing to look at than even-numbered groups. As you’re deciding where to place decor around your home, you can elevate the styling by sticking to odd-numbered arrangements.

For instance, you might try stacking 5 books together on a shelf, flanked by 2 heavy bookends, or you could use an odd number of picture frames if you create a gallery wall.

You could also make a tableau out of different objects, such as a vase, a painting leaned against the wall, and a small bowl filled with pretty rocks.

This is a simple trick that you can use to freshen up your decor without buying anything new!

4. Buy sheets and bedding on sale to update your bedroom. Look for seasonal home sales throughout the year, and when you find a good one, buy new sheets, pillowcases, and a comforter for your bedroom. This small change can make your bedroom feel more luxurious and can pull the room together, and if you find a good deal, it doesn’t have to cost very much money.

If you have a sewing machine, you can even make your own sheets!

Just buy throw pillows or a throw blanket in a fun new pattern or color if you can’t afford to buy a whole set of bedding at once.

5. Buy or make new throw pillows for your couch to personalize your living area. Throw pillows make your couch seem more inviting and comfy, and they can also help pull the design of your room together. Choose pillows in a color that’s used somewhere else in the room, or find them in a design that goes with the theme of the room.

For instance, if your room has a nature theme, you might choose pillows with a design featuring leaves, trees, or birds.

You can even recover your old throw pillows to give them a new look. Buying pillow covers is cheaper and can change the look of items simply and inexpensively.

6. Make your own curtains to add a pretty touch to any window. Curtains add a touch of elegance to a room, but buying drapes can be very expensive. If you can’t find a good sale on curtains you love, try making your own. Just sew a pocket into the top of a long strip of fabric, hem the other end, and run a curtain rod through the pocket.

You can also make your own shower curtain to freshen up your bathroom! Just make sure you use a waterproof shower curtain liner so the fabric doesn’t get water-stained.

Shower curtains and sheets can be fashioned into curtains as well. If you find a pattern or color you love, don't hesitate to use these for drapery.

7. Update your cabinet pulls, faucets, and other small hardware. The knobs on your cabinets and drawers, the handles on our sink and bathtub, and the knobs on your appliances can all get grimy and dull over time. Replace them to freshen up the look of your bathroom and kitchen without spending a lot of money.

Tip: If you like the hardware you already have, but it’s seen better days, try giving it a good clean with melamine foam or oxygen bleach.

8. Add a touch of nature with houseplants, flowers, and fruit. Houseplants are calming, beautiful, and good for the environment, making them a perfect addition for indoor decor. However, if you’re afraid you don’t have a green thumb, you can fill a vase or a bowl with fresh flowers or fruit, and change it whenever they start to turn brown.

You can even use artificial plants or flowers, but remember to dust them regularly!

9. Make your own art with inexpensive picture frames. Framed art doesn’t have to be expensive to look amazing. Buy several inexpensive frames that are the same color, shape, or size. Then, frame photos of your loved ones, pressed flowers, old calendar pages, or even pictures you print out from online!

Group several frames together to create your very own gallery wall.

If you have small keepsakes you’d like to display, place them in a shadow box and hang them on your wall.

Method 2 Finding Cheap or Free Items.

1. Rearrange the furniture you already have in your house. The easiest way to refresh your home is to rearrange your furniture and move your decor around. Think about how you’d like your space to look when you’re finished decorating. Then, go from room to room, looking at each piece of furniture or decorative object. Try to imagine how you could re-use each piece, and you might be surprised what you can come up with!

Sometimes just moving a big piece of furniture, like your couch or your bed, can give you a whole new perspective on a room!

With a little imagination, you might find that the nightstand in your spare room would make an awesome TV stand, or an old trunk could become the perfect coffee table!

Try to keep as many of your current possessions as you can. You’ll spend a lot more money redecorating if you try to replace everything at once.

Use things that you wouldn’t normally use for different purposes - like an old trunk as a coffee table or a scarf as a wall hanging.

2. Ask your family and friends if they have furniture or decor they don’t want. Reach out to your network and let them know you’re trying to change things up around your house. Keep in mind, however, that you shouldn’t take anything unless you really like or need it. Otherwise, you’ll just be adding clutter to your home.

If you know anyone who is moving, they might be happy to get rid of some items and you could take them off their hands. Even they aren't perfect, you can paint items or change them up to fit your style.

You can even post on social media asking if anyone has a specific item that you’re looking for.

3. Shop secondhand to find pieces you love at a deep discount. If you’re shopping on a budget, thrift stores, secondhand stores, yard sales, flea markets, and estate sales can be a great way to find items you wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. Sometimes you can even find new or like-new items at a huge discount.

Secondhand shops tend to have a lot of turnover in their inventory, so you may want to visit the same shops a few different times through the redecorating process, especially if you like the kind of items they carry. If you need to, travel to shops in nearby neighborhoods to find a wider selection.

Shopping after the holidays and during the spring is a good idea, because people tend to clean out their homes then.

Don’t be discouraged from buying something that has chipped paint, a dent or is slightly worn - this can all be easily fixed and adds character.

If you notice that an item has been at a certain shop for a while without selling, ask the manager if they’d be willing to sell it to you at a discount. This can be especially helpful if you’re buying large furniture, since the store will sometimes be eager to reclaim their floor space.

Tip: Pay attention to the prices of items, even in a secondhand shop. Some shops, especially those specializing in antiques, can still be quite pricey.

4. Look for sales if you’re buying new items. Don’t feel that everything you buy needs to be secondhand. Many retailers offer big sales throughout the year, especially around holidays. Look in your local newspaper, watch for TV commercials advertising sales, or check the stores’ websites so you’ll know when a sale is coming up.

You can also sign up for emails from some of the stores you like so you can be notified when a sale is coming up. There are even websites that are dedicated to finding deals, and you can sign up for email alerts from them as well.

Check your favorite stores online - there is usually a discount for online shopping and it will save you time as well.

Also, don’t forget to check the clearance section once you’re in the store. Often, shops will put a steep discount on merchandise that’s left over from a seasonal promotion or an older collection. These sales are typically not advertised.

5. Refinish or reupholster furniture to give it a new look. When you’re shopping, especially if you’re looking at secondhand items, pay more attention to the shape of the furniture than the color of it. You can sand away the existing stain on wood furniture and restain it or paint it to give it a whole new look. You can also reupholster fabric-covered furniture, like couches, recliners, and dining chairs!

Sometimes, you can save a lot of money by buying unfinished wood furniture. That means the wood is still in its natural state, and it hasn’t been sealed or stained. Try looking online to find a store near you that specializes in unfinished furniture.

Try changing out the drawer pulls on a dresser to give it a fresh, updated look. Even better, you can buy inexpensive drawer pulls from a home improvement store for just a few dollars!

You can even replace the foam in worn-out cushions to make the piece seem as good as new.

6. Don’t try to redecorate everything at once. If you’re on a budget, it’s not practical to try to buy everything all at the same time. Instead, try to embrace the idea that redecorating your home is a long-term project. Make a little time on the weekends to hunt for a great deal or a unique treasure that you’ll love.

It might help to focus on one room at a time, but don’t let that keep you from buying something for another room if you see a great deal. If you're redecorating your living room first but you see the perfect comforter on clearance, for instance, you might want to buy it if you can.

If shopping isn’t your favorite thing to do, find a friend who’ll be happy to go with you. That will help make the experience more fun for you.

Don’t feel like you have to finish one space at a time. Especially if you're on a budget, it can be hard to wait for the perfect piece to go on sale or to find it second hand. Pick up things when you find a good deal and it will all come together eventually.

Method 3 Making Cheap Updates.

1. Paint the walls with a new coat of paint to freshen up a room. If you own your home or have permission from your landlord, painting is an inexpensive way to brighten everything up and make it look newer. Take everything out of the room that you can and cover the floor with a drop cloth. Then, cover the wall in 1-2 coats of primer, let those dry, and go back over the walls with your chosen paint color.

Light colors will make a room look larger, so avoid very dark colors in a small room.

Cool colors like blue and green are relaxing, so they’re a great choice for bedrooms. Warm colors are very inviting, so they’re great for living areas and kitchens.

You can even get creative by painting one wall a different color or by adding stripes,chevrons, or chalkboard paint to your walls.

If you love the look of wallpaper but don’t have room in your budget, use a stencil to paint a pattern on your walls instead!

If you have dark trim or wooden doors, you can paint those too for a fresh, updated look.

2. Change the light fixtures in a room for a quick upgrade. Dated or ugly light fixtures can bring down the look of a room, even if you don’t consciously pay attention to them. If you can find a good deal on a new light fixture, changing it yourself is usually pretty easy. Just turn off the power to the room at your circuit breaker, remove the old light fixture, and rewire the new one. Take care to match up the negative and positive wires, then attach the new fixture to the ceiling with the provided brackets and screws.

Don’t feel that you necessarily have to buy new light fixtures. Sometimes, all it takes it a good cleaning or a coat of spray paint to bring new life to the light fixtures you already have.

Adding a new shade or cover is inexpensive and can quickly update the look of older fixtures.

If you don’t feel comfortable working with wiring yourself, it might be worth it to save up and have an electrician do the job.

Tip: If you have a lot of lamps, try updating your lamp shades!

3. Cover the back of a bookcase with contact paper to give it a new look. Bookcases provide a lot of practical storage, so even if you’re not in love with yours, it might be best to keep it. Luckily, you can give it new life by covering the back walls with colorful contact paper, wallpaper scraps, or even fabric. This will brighten up the bookcase and will provide a nice contrast to show off whatever you’re displaying on the shelves.

You can also paint your bookcase, if you’d like. Paint it a different color from the walls to make it stand out, or paint it the same color if you want it to look like it’s a part of the wall.

4. Add architectural trim to your walls. Architectural trim, also called molding or decorative trim, can make a room look expensive, but it doesn’t necessarily cost a lot. Try installing it around your ceiling or floors, on your cabinets, or around your windows to create an upscale look on a budget.

You can even find stick-on molding, making this project easy and cheap!

To mimic the look of moldings, add trim 6 inches above your floor trim and paint the gap to match the trim. This will give you the look of architectural trim for less than half of the usual price.

5. Add rugs to bring warmth to a room. Carpeting and rugs create a cozy, warm feeling, but replacing your carpet can be very expensive. Instead, look for sales on area rugs that match your theme or color palette for each room.

If buying a new rug is too expensive, visit a flooring store and ask if they have vinyl remnants. These are pieces of vinyl left over from previous projects that are too small to re-use, but are often large enough to use as an area rug. To personalize the look even more, paint a design on the remnant with acrylic paints and seal with concrete sealer.

6. Hang mirrors to make a room feel larger. Look for large mirrors at secondhand shops and home improvement stores, then install them wherever you need more space. Mirrors help create an optical illusion that a space is larger than it really is, so wall mirrors are a great touch in smaller rooms or narrow hallways. In addition, the mirrors will reflect any light that’s in the room, making it look brighter.

If you like the shape of a mirror but not the frame, try painting it!

If you have an unframed mirror in your bathroom and can’t afford a new one, you can frame your mirror in by attaching moldings around all four sides.


Look for DIY design ideas for fun projects to decorate your home that you can do yourself!


Whenever you're painting, priming, or sanding something, make sure the room is well-ventilated, and take regular breaks to get fresh air.
Desember 18, 2019

How to Decorate Your Home on a Budget.

If you’re on a budget, it might seem impossible to redecorate your home. After all, home furnishings and decor can be very expensive if you buy everything all at once. Luckily, though, there are plenty of ways to save money as you freshen up your home’s appearance. Try buying items a little at a time, and buy second-hand or find great sales whenever you can. Also, look for creative ways to repurpose items you already have, or even upcycle things you find while you’re shopping!

Method 1 Adding Personality with Small Details.

1. Display your favorite items out in the open. Showing off something you already have is a great way to decorate without spending any money at all. If you have a piece that always makes you smile, like a special heirloom or a painting you love, put it somewhere you spend a lot of time, like your bedroom, kitchen, or living room. As you’re choosing other items for that room, try to think of what will go with the pieces you love the most.

For instance, if you hang up a painting in your living room, look for throw pillows or a rug that have some of the same colors as the painting.

Get rid of items you don’t love and just display the decor that you really like. Your favorite items will become statement pieces, and you’ll appreciate what you do have more.

2. Choose brightly-colored items to draw attention to an area. If there’s a feature in your home that you really like, such as a mantle with interesting molding or a bookshelf where you keep your books, draw attention to it with bright colors. Your eye will automatically be drawn to the brighter shades, making that area really stand out.

For instance, you might put a bright glass vase on a shelf to add a pop of color, or you could hang a colorful painting on the wall above your fireplace to show it off.

Look through the things you already have to find bright colors, or buy accent pieces on sale or at secondhand stores.

3. Arrange items in odd-numbered groups. For some reason, people find odd numbers of items more pleasing to look at than even-numbered groups. As you’re deciding where to place decor around your home, you can elevate the styling by sticking to odd-numbered arrangements.

For instance, you might try stacking 5 books together on a shelf, flanked by 2 heavy bookends, or you could use an odd number of picture frames if you create a gallery wall.

You could also make a tableau out of different objects, such as a vase, a painting leaned against the wall, and a small bowl filled with pretty rocks.

This is a simple trick that you can use to freshen up your decor without buying anything new!

4. Buy sheets and bedding on sale to update your bedroom. Look for seasonal home sales throughout the year, and when you find a good one, buy new sheets, pillowcases, and a comforter for your bedroom. This small change can make your bedroom feel more luxurious and can pull the room together, and if you find a good deal, it doesn’t have to cost very much money.

If you have a sewing machine, you can even make your own sheets!

Just buy throw pillows or a throw blanket in a fun new pattern or color if you can’t afford to buy a whole set of bedding at once.

5. Buy or make new throw pillows for your couch to personalize your living area. Throw pillows make your couch seem more inviting and comfy, and they can also help pull the design of your room together. Choose pillows in a color that’s used somewhere else in the room, or find them in a design that goes with the theme of the room.

For instance, if your room has a nature theme, you might choose pillows with a design featuring leaves, trees, or birds.

You can even recover your old throw pillows to give them a new look. Buying pillow covers is cheaper and can change the look of items simply and inexpensively.

6. Make your own curtains to add a pretty touch to any window. Curtains add a touch of elegance to a room, but buying drapes can be very expensive. If you can’t find a good sale on curtains you love, try making your own. Just sew a pocket into the top of a long strip of fabric, hem the other end, and run a curtain rod through the pocket.

You can also make your own shower curtain to freshen up your bathroom! Just make sure you use a waterproof shower curtain liner so the fabric doesn’t get water-stained.

Shower curtains and sheets can be fashioned into curtains as well. If you find a pattern or color you love, don't hesitate to use these for drapery.

7. Update your cabinet pulls, faucets, and other small hardware. The knobs on your cabinets and drawers, the handles on our sink and bathtub, and the knobs on your appliances can all get grimy and dull over time. Replace them to freshen up the look of your bathroom and kitchen without spending a lot of money.

Tip: If you like the hardware you already have, but it’s seen better days, try giving it a good clean with melamine foam or oxygen bleach.

8. Add a touch of nature with houseplants, flowers, and fruit. Houseplants are calming, beautiful, and good for the environment, making them a perfect addition for indoor decor. However, if you’re afraid you don’t have a green thumb, you can fill a vase or a bowl with fresh flowers or fruit, and change it whenever they start to turn brown.

You can even use artificial plants or flowers, but remember to dust them regularly!

9. Make your own art with inexpensive picture frames. Framed art doesn’t have to be expensive to look amazing. Buy several inexpensive frames that are the same color, shape, or size. Then, frame photos of your loved ones, pressed flowers, old calendar pages, or even pictures you print out from online!

Group several frames together to create your very own gallery wall.

If you have small keepsakes you’d like to display, place them in a shadow box and hang them on your wall.

Method 2 Finding Cheap or Free Items.

1. Rearrange the furniture you already have in your house. The easiest way to refresh your home is to rearrange your furniture and move your decor around. Think about how you’d like your space to look when you’re finished decorating. Then, go from room to room, looking at each piece of furniture or decorative object. Try to imagine how you could re-use each piece, and you might be surprised what you can come up with!

Sometimes just moving a big piece of furniture, like your couch or your bed, can give you a whole new perspective on a room!

With a little imagination, you might find that the nightstand in your spare room would make an awesome TV stand, or an old trunk could become the perfect coffee table!

Try to keep as many of your current possessions as you can. You’ll spend a lot more money redecorating if you try to replace everything at once.

Use things that you wouldn’t normally use for different purposes - like an old trunk as a coffee table or a scarf as a wall hanging.

2. Ask your family and friends if they have furniture or decor they don’t want. Reach out to your network and let them know you’re trying to change things up around your house. Keep in mind, however, that you shouldn’t take anything unless you really like or need it. Otherwise, you’ll just be adding clutter to your home.

If you know anyone who is moving, they might be happy to get rid of some items and you could take them off their hands. Even they aren't perfect, you can paint items or change them up to fit your style.

You can even post on social media asking if anyone has a specific item that you’re looking for.

3. Shop secondhand to find pieces you love at a deep discount. If you’re shopping on a budget, thrift stores, secondhand stores, yard sales, flea markets, and estate sales can be a great way to find items you wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. Sometimes you can even find new or like-new items at a huge discount.

Secondhand shops tend to have a lot of turnover in their inventory, so you may want to visit the same shops a few different times through the redecorating process, especially if you like the kind of items they carry. If you need to, travel to shops in nearby neighborhoods to find a wider selection.

Shopping after the holidays and during the spring is a good idea, because people tend to clean out their homes then.

Don’t be discouraged from buying something that has chipped paint, a dent or is slightly worn - this can all be easily fixed and adds character.

If you notice that an item has been at a certain shop for a while without selling, ask the manager if they’d be willing to sell it to you at a discount. This can be especially helpful if you’re buying large furniture, since the store will sometimes be eager to reclaim their floor space.

Tip: Pay attention to the prices of items, even in a secondhand shop. Some shops, especially those specializing in antiques, can still be quite pricey.

4. Look for sales if you’re buying new items. Don’t feel that everything you buy needs to be secondhand. Many retailers offer big sales throughout the year, especially around holidays. Look in your local newspaper, watch for TV commercials advertising sales, or check the stores’ websites so you’ll know when a sale is coming up.

You can also sign up for emails from some of the stores you like so you can be notified when a sale is coming up. There are even websites that are dedicated to finding deals, and you can sign up for email alerts from them as well.

Check your favorite stores online - there is usually a discount for online shopping and it will save you time as well.

Also, don’t forget to check the clearance section once you’re in the store. Often, shops will put a steep discount on merchandise that’s left over from a seasonal promotion or an older collection. These sales are typically not advertised.

5. Refinish or reupholster furniture to give it a new look. When you’re shopping, especially if you’re looking at secondhand items, pay more attention to the shape of the furniture than the color of it. You can sand away the existing stain on wood furniture and restain it or paint it to give it a whole new look. You can also reupholster fabric-covered furniture, like couches, recliners, and dining chairs!

Sometimes, you can save a lot of money by buying unfinished wood furniture. That means the wood is still in its natural state, and it hasn’t been sealed or stained. Try looking online to find a store near you that specializes in unfinished furniture.

Try changing out the drawer pulls on a dresser to give it a fresh, updated look. Even better, you can buy inexpensive drawer pulls from a home improvement store for just a few dollars!

You can even replace the foam in worn-out cushions to make the piece seem as good as new.

6. Don’t try to redecorate everything at once. If you’re on a budget, it’s not practical to try to buy everything all at the same time. Instead, try to embrace the idea that redecorating your home is a long-term project. Make a little time on the weekends to hunt for a great deal or a unique treasure that you’ll love.

It might help to focus on one room at a time, but don’t let that keep you from buying something for another room if you see a great deal. If you're redecorating your living room first but you see the perfect comforter on clearance, for instance, you might want to buy it if you can.

If shopping isn’t your favorite thing to do, find a friend who’ll be happy to go with you. That will help make the experience more fun for you.

Don’t feel like you have to finish one space at a time. Especially if you're on a budget, it can be hard to wait for the perfect piece to go on sale or to find it second hand. Pick up things when you find a good deal and it will all come together eventually.

Method 3 Making Cheap Updates.

1. Paint the walls with a new coat of paint to freshen up a room. If you own your home or have permission from your landlord, painting is an inexpensive way to brighten everything up and make it look newer. Take everything out of the room that you can and cover the floor with a drop cloth. Then, cover the wall in 1-2 coats of primer, let those dry, and go back over the walls with your chosen paint color.

Light colors will make a room look larger, so avoid very dark colors in a small room.

Cool colors like blue and green are relaxing, so they’re a great choice for bedrooms. Warm colors are very inviting, so they’re great for living areas and kitchens.

You can even get creative by painting one wall a different color or by adding stripes, chevrons, or chalkboard paint to your walls.

If you love the look of wallpaper but don’t have room in your budget, use a stencil to paint a pattern on your walls instead!

If you have dark trim or wooden doors, you can paint those too for a fresh, updated look.

2. Change the light fixtures in a room for a quick upgrade. Dated or ugly light fixtures can bring down the look of a room, even if you don’t consciously pay attention to them. If you can find a good deal on a new light fixture, changing it yourself is usually pretty easy. Just turn off the power to the room at your circuit breaker, remove the old light fixture, and rewire the new one. Take care to match up the negative and positive wires, then attach the new fixture to the ceiling with the provided brackets and screws.

Don’t feel that you necessarily have to buy new light fixtures. Sometimes, all it takes it a good cleaning or a coat of spray paint to bring new life to the light fixtures you already have.

Adding a new shade or cover is inexpensive and can quickly update the look of older fixtures.

If you don’t feel comfortable working with wiring yourself, it might be worth it to save up and have an electrician do the job.

Tip: If you have a lot of lamps, try updating your lamp shades!

3. Cover the back of a bookcase with contact paper to give it a new look. Bookcases provide a lot of practical storage, so even if you’re not in love with yours, it might be best to keep it. Luckily, you can give it new life by covering the back walls with colorful contact paper, wallpaper scraps, or even fabric. This will brighten up the bookcase and will provide a nice contrast to show off whatever you’re displaying on the shelves.

You can also paint your bookcase, if you’d like. Paint it a different color from the walls to make it stand out, or paint it the same color if you want it to look like it’s a part of the wall.

4. Add architectural trim to your walls. Architectural trim, also called molding or decorative trim, can make a room look expensive, but it doesn’t necessarily cost a lot. Try installing it around your ceiling or floors, on your cabinets, or around your windows to create an upscale look on a budget.

You can even find stick-on molding, making this project easy and cheap!

To mimic the look of moldings, add trim 6 inches above your floor trim and paint the gap to match the trim. This will give you the look of architectural trim for less than half of the usual price.

5. Add rugs to bring warmth to a room. Carpeting and rugs create a cozy, warm feeling, but replacing your carpet can be very expensive. Instead, look for sales on area rugs that match your theme or color palette for each room.

If buying a new rug is too expensive, visit a flooring store and ask if they have vinyl remnants. These are pieces of vinyl left over from previous projects that are too small to re-use, but are often large enough to use as an area rug. To personalize the look even more, paint a design on the remnant with acrylic paints and seal with concrete sealer.

6. Hang mirrors to make a room feel larger. Look for large mirrors at secondhand shops and home improvement stores, then install them wherever you need more space. Mirrors help create an optical illusion that a space is larger than it really is, so wall mirrors are a great touch in smaller rooms or narrow hallways. In addition, the mirrors will reflect any light that’s in the room, making it look brighter.

If you like the shape of a mirror but not the frame, try painting it!

If you have an unframed mirror in your bathroom and can’t afford a new one, you can frame your mirror in by attaching moldings around all four sides.

Question : Can I use a blanket as a rug?
Answer : If it is a tightly woven blanket it might work, but make sure it can be walked on without sliding around a lot. Also make sure it can be cleaned well and won't be torn or unraveled if used as a rug. There are certain bath mats that can be used for house rugs, too. It's great if it can be machine washable.


Look for DIY design ideas for fun projects to decorate your home that you can do yourself!


Whenever you're painting, priming, or sanding something, make sure the room is well-ventilated, and take regular breaks to get fresh air.
Januari 21, 2020

How to Make Your House Look Luxurious on a Tight Budget.

We use our homes to help distinguish ourselves from others. For many, their homes are a part of their self-definition. Simply put, the way you perceive yourself reflects the way you live. Chance are that if your house bores you it also bores your visitors. Maybe it is time for a change.

Home décor could be expensive and those interior designers don't make it any easier with the crazy hourly rates, but there are simple fixes and solutions that will make your house look appealing and majestic.

A tight budget should never stop someone from designing his or her own home for comfort and luxury. After all, home is where you really are yourself. To start your remodeling all you really need is efficient planning, a handy hardware shop, and a little elbow grease.

Method 1 Reducing Clutter.

1. Reorganize your furniture.

Most luxurious homes are spotless because they place their furniture in a way that is clutter free.

Hide your clutter in baskets and decorative bowls.

Create a theme for each room.

See-through bookcases, shelves, and nooks are your best friend. Place antiques, pictures, or anything of value on open display.

Method 2 Bring Greenry In.

1. Place vases or bowls of greenery around the house. This will revitalize a dull room.

A bowl of artificial fruit in any room can be used to liven up the monotonous environment.

A vase full of flowers, acorns, twigs, or any element of nature added to a room is a sure-fire way to add class and elegance.

Method 3 Lighting.

1. Invest in quality lights that set up your focal point for a room.

Lighting is a functional necessity that effectively effects the mood and tone of any room.

It is best to install a dimmer on overhead lights to control mood lighting.

2. Use light for first impression and decorations.

Foyers determine the first impression of the home. A centered chandelier provides a warm welcoming aura around a house.

3. Ensure decorative fixtures should be compatible with space where they will placed.

A bedroom, for example, cannot accommodate a chandelier as large as one that fits in a foyer.

Make sure the size of a fixture is proportional to room size to avoid clutter, awkwardness and an eyesore.

Method 4 Choosing the Right Paint.

1. Use neutral hues on the main floor. Many luxury homes use creams, browns, and honey shades to paint their first floor. Bold colors are usually used on more private rooms such as the bedrooms, or bathrooms.

Neutral hues create a calm, clutter-free, and classic environment.

Neutral hues allow furniture to take center stage.

2. Remember that rich dark painted walls require light furniture.

Dark colors should always be in high gloss, as to add more light and shine to them.

Family and dining rooms are typically darkly painted rooms.

Red is a color that can easily fail you if not matched precisely with complementing the furniture.

3. Use light paint to make a room look larger.

Warm colors cause a glow to emit from the room.

Warm colors convey strength and togetherness.

Cool colors cause a fresh and relaxing aura to surround its area.

Cool colors create a soothing effect. Cool colors are recommended to be used in bedrooms.

Method 5 Accessorizing and Using Antiques.

1. Add three to four vertical mirrors to a wall.

Mirrors can break up a wall without having to add a lot of artwork and also make a room appear larger. If possible, place your mirrors adjacent to windows and doors leading to the outside; this is a good way to let more light in and can even create the illusion of having more windows.

2. Add different sizes of framed art, photo, pottery, or posters.

Do not place a small frame alone on a large wall.

A small wall should generally contain only one large picture frame or multiple small and medium frames.

3. Follow the symmetry and asymmetry rule. This will help you to decide on what accessories you plan to use.

Candles work well with symmetry.

Antiques are best designed in an overlapping fashion using asymmetry.

Vases are also another item that works well with asymmetry.

4. Accessorize with rugs. The perfect sized rug is essential for the classy look you are trying to achieve. Many luxury homes use rugs that are larger than the furniture's space because it allows the room to look larger.

The right rug can cause the right illusion.

Depending on the original flooring of the room, a rug could be plain or it could contain motifs as long as it goes well with the floor and the furniture.

Method 6 Achieving the Cathedral (High-ceiling) Effect.

1. Place curtains at the highest point of the wall.

Avoid placing curtains above windows, it makes a wall seem shorter than its actual length.

Use curtain tie backs to create an elegant look surrounding the windows.

2. Keep all clutter away from windows and manipulate light settings.

Placing accessories near window frame blinds a person from appreciating the design it also makes space look smaller.

3. Feature half-painted walls, to give the illusion of taller ceilings.

Vertical striped rooms look larger than other rooms.

Painting walls a light color on the bottom half and a darker color on the upper half of the wall adds definition and length to any room.

4. Purchase the right furniture. Do not just base your furniture on appearance. Consider functionality.

Low furniture profile is perfect for low-ceilings, it increases the space between the furniture and the ceiling causing the ceiling to look higher than it actually is.

5. Raise the doors to the height of the ceiling. This will make your ceilings look taller.

The taller you place a door the more the illusion seems authentic.

6. Paint the ceiling a light color.

This tricks the eye to believe that the ceiling seems higher.

7. Add high shelves.

This will delude the eyes into believing that the ceiling is actually higher than it is.

8. Avoid clutter. This includes pendant lighting, and chandeliers.

Tight spaces should stay free of extravagant materials in order to not make space seem confined.

Method 7 Adding Architectural Trims.

1. Create dimension in your house. This gives an elegant and luxurious look.

Molding creates a paneled look which draws an eye's attention to certain areas of the room.

Molding keeps the spacing even, symmetrical, and aesthetic.

Wide molding is better than narrow as it dramatically improves the appearance of your home.

2. Add molding to your kitchen cabinets.

Molding the top your kitchen cabinets will cause a modish and eye-pleasing also adding an extra level of polish to the kitchen.

3. Add trims around the edges of your windows.

This will add appeal to your bland windows.

The heavier the molding around the windows you add the plainer the curtains should be. Remember simpler is better.


Remember less is more. Do not try to do too much at the same time. Keep things simple.

Maximize your space.

Design to fit your plot and budget.

Think about safety, storage, and lighting

Januari 16, 2020