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How to Create a Minimalist Home.

Minimalism is one of the crowning architectural achievements of the 20th century. Spare and streamlined while still being inviting, minimalism is charming in almost any space. With less clutter to wade through and mentally process, the innate beauty of each piece of furniture or art in the home really starts to stand out.


1. Change one room at a time. Unless you’re just moving into a place, it’s hard to simplify an entire house at once. Focus on one room, and let that be your center of calm. Use it to inspire you to simplify the next room, and the next. Then do the same outside!

2. Start with furniture. The biggest things in any room are the furniture, so it is always best to begin simplifying a room by looking at the furniture. The fewer pieces of furniture, the better (within reason, of course). Think of which furniture can be eliminated without sacrificing comfort and livability. Go for a few pieces of plain, simple furniture (here, an example of a minimalist coffee table) with solid, subdued colors.

3. Keep only the essentials. Whether looking at your furniture or anything else in the room, ask yourself if the item is truly essential. If you can live without it, get it out. Try to strip the room down to its essentials — you can always add a few choice items beyond the essentials later. Keep the whole design (house) on paper as simple as you can initially, with required components, and then slowly add décor as desired.

4. Clear floors. Except for the furniture, your floors should be completely clear. Nothing should clutter the floor, nothing should be stacked, nothing should be stored on the floor. Once you've gotten your furniture down to the bare essentials, clear everything else on the floor — either donate it, trash it, or find a place for it out of sight.

5. Clear surfaces. Same thing with all flat surfaces. Don’t have anything on them, except one or two simple decorations. Donate, trash or find an out-of-sight storage spot for everything else. It will make everything much more minimal-looking.

6. Clear walls. Some people hang all kinds of stuff on their walls. No-can-do in a minimalist home. Clear your walls except for one or two simple pieces of nice artwork.

7. Store stuff out of sight. This has been mentioned in the above tips, but you should store everything you need out of sight, in drawers and cabinets. Bookshelves can be used to store books or DVDs or CDs, but shouldn't have much else except a few simple decorations (not whole collections of things).

8. De-clutter. If you are clearing flat surfaces and the floor, and storing stuff in cabinets and drawers, you’ll probably want to de-clutter your storage areas too. You can do this in a later stage if you want.

9. Use simple artwork. To keep a room from being boring, you can put a simple painting, drawing or photo, framed with a subdued, solid color, on each wall if you want. Leave some walls bare if possible.

10. Use simple decorations. As mentioned in the above tips, one or two simple decorations can serve as accents for a minimalist room. A vase of flowers or a small potted plant are two classic examples. If the rest of your room has subdued colors, your accents could use a bright color (such as red or yellow) to draw the eye and give a plain room a splash of energy.

11. Prefer plain window treatments. Bare windows, or simple, solid colored curtains, or simple, wooden blinds are good. Too much ornate stuff around the windows is clutter.

12. Adopt plain patterns. Solid colors are best for floor coverings (if you have any), furniture, etc. Complex patterns, such as flowers or checkers, are visual clutter.

13. Make the most of subdued colors. You can have a splash of bright color in the room, but most of the room should be more subtle colors - white is classic minimalist, but really any solid colors that don’t stress the eyes are good (earth colors come to mind, such as blues, browns, tans, or greens).

14. Edit and eliminate. When you've simplified a room, you can probably do more. Give it a couple of days, then look at everything with a fresh eye. What can be eliminated? Stored out of sight? What’s not essential? You can come back to each room every few months, and sometimes you’ll discover things you can simplify even more.

15. Have a place for everything. In a minimalist house, it’s important that you find a place for everything. Where does your blender go? Aim for logical spots that are close to where the thing is used, to make things more efficient, but the key is to designate a spot and stick with it.

16. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. Once you've simplified a room, take a moment to look around and enjoy it. It’s so peaceful and satisfying. This is the reward for your hard work.

Question : I'm an 11-year-old girl and I'm trying to go minimalist, but my family are hoarders. What should I do?

Answer : You could just stick to maintaining a minimalist bedroom, but you might also try talking it over with your family. Maybe you could convince them to get rid of some stuff they don't need anymore, or at least put some things away in an attic, basement, or storage unit.

Question : What is the best color to paint a room that gets sun in the afternoon, to create a minimalist look?

Answer : A nice teal does wonders. It will brighten your room even when there's no sunlight.

Question : My room is bright teal. Should I paint it white?

Answer : That's up to you! If teal is getting old, then you can paint it white, but adding wall art and posters are also great ways to keep a room fun or just change things up. I suggest mandalas, because they are colorful and trendy!


Accent decorations. A home completely clear of things could sometimes be a bit boring, actually. So instead of having a coffee table completely free of any objects, you could have a simple vase with a few flowers, for example. Or a clear desk might just have a family photo. An otherwise empty wall might have a tasteful piece of art. Modern minimalist home décor is not plain and empty, but rather is an attempt by the owner to produce home beauty with simpler or less ornamentation.

Clear surfaces. In a minimalist home, flat surfaces are clear, except for one or two decorations. There is not a mindless array of knick-knacks, and there are definitely no stacks of books, papers or other items.

Quality over quantity. Instead of having a lot of stuff in your home, you as a minimalist (or minimalist in training) would choose just a few really good things you love and use often. A really nice table, for example, is better than 5 pieces of press-board furniture.

A minimalist home is less stressful. Clutter is a form of visual distraction, and everything in our vision pulls at our attention at least a little. The less clutter, the less visual stress we have. A minimalist home is not only more calming, but also more appealing. Think about photos of homes that are cluttered (for example the A&E series Hoarders), and photos of minimalist homes. The ones with almost nothing in them except some beautiful furniture, some nice artwork, and a very few pretty decorations, are the ones that most appeal to us, even if only subconsciously.

A minimalist home is easier to clean. It's hard to clean a whole bunch of objects, or to sweep or vacuum around a bunch of furniture. The more stuff you have, the more you have to keep clean, and the more complicated it is to clean around the stuff. Think about how easy it is to clean an empty room compared to one with 50 objects in it. That's an extreme example, of course, as this article doesn't recommend you have an empty room, but it's just to illustrate the difference. Minimalist architecture uses the idea that less is more; ornamentation must be quality rather than quantity. The building (house) is stripped to the bare minimum leaving only necessary walls, simple large windows and a flat roof. This can produce the "great room" — the combining of the living room, kitchen and dining room that looks spacious. The style can use natural colours that can easily be seen in nature and the beauty of natural materials for finishes like real stone tiles, real metal and smooth wood panelling, etc. Such a style uses modern building materials and modern manufacturing processes, and not surprisingly, modernists may like the look and feel of such a home style.

Examples. The photo at the top of this article is a nice example of a minimalist home. Traditional-style Japanese homes (think wabi sabi for example) are another great example of minimalism.

Minimal furniture. A minimalist room would only contain a few essential pieces of furniture. A living room, for example, might only have a couch, another chair or love seat, a coffee table, a minimalist entertainment stand (not a huge one with a bunch of shelves), a television, and a couple of lamps. It could even contain less (couch, chairs, and coffee table, for example). A bedroom might have a simple bed (or even just a mattress), a dresser, and perhaps a night stand or bookshelf.

If it is difficult to start the process of clearing out clutter, try finding out what you use organically. For example, clothes - each time you wear something, turn the coat hanger around and after a certain time, you can see exactly what you don't wear. This will make it easier to clear once you see which clothes you don't need.
Februari 10, 2020

How to Decorate for a Birthday Party at Home.

Birthday parties at home are great fun and don’t have to be much work. If you’re lacking inspiration, pick a theme to help you choose decorations. Be creative and embrace the party-spirit as you decorate. Use streamers, garlands, balloons, and food to transform your home into a party zone.

Method 1 Creating a Theme.

1. Decorate your home with rainbow colours for a young child's party. A rainbow theme is a fun and easy way to style a party. Use as many colours as possible to create a rainbow feeling. Where possible, arrange the colours in the order of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

Use different coloured balloons and streamers to add colour to your home.

Purchase disposable plates and cups that have rainbow pictures on them.

Use chalk to draw rainbows on the driveway.

2. Display jungle decorations for a kid’s birthday party if they love animals. Animals are incredibly popular with kids making them a great choice for decorations. Choose decorations that have animal patterns, such as leopard or tiger print. Decorate the cake with a picture of an animal.

A safari party or a zoo party are also great animal themes.

Place plants in hanging baskets to create a jungle feeling.

3. Create a monochromatic theme for an elegant affair. Pick a colour and use it to create a monochromatic theme. If it is a child’s birthday, let them choose their favourite colour, or pick classy colours such as black, gold, silver, or white. Purchase decorations that are all the same colour.

For example, have a pink tablecloth, pink balloons, pink streamers, and pink cups.

4. Use the birthday guest's favourite movie as a theme for a fun, film-inspired party. This theme works well for any age group. Pick a favourite movie and choose decorations that relate to the film. For example, if you choose a football movie, hang football memorabilia on the walls, have a football game on the television and make a ball-shaped cake.

If you choose a children’s movie, look for disposable cups and plates that have pictures of the characters on them.

5. Create a royal theme if the birthday guest loves royalty. This theme is a fun and easy choice for both adults and children who love to dress up. Tell the party guests to come dressed in their favourite royal costume. Consider buying crowns for all the party guests to wear. Choose balloons, streamers, and tableware in royal colours; silver, blue, purple, and gold are great options.

Consider watching a prince or princess movie in the evening.

Method 2 Decorating for a Young Child’s Party.

1. Purchase disposable tableware that fits your theme. Choose tablecloths, napkins, cups, and plates that are related to your theme. For example, if you're hosting a jungle-themed party, pick plates, cups, and napkins in various animal prints.

Purchase disposable tableware from a party supplies store

2. Hang up lots of streamers to create a festive feeling. Streamers are a cheap and easy way to decorate your house for a party. Cut lengths of streamers that are the height of the door and use sticky tack to attach them onto the top frame of your front door. When children enter your home it will feel like the party has already started. Alternatively, use sticky tack to hang lengths of streamers from the ceiling to create a fun atmosphere. Be creative!

If your children want to be involved, let them choose what colours to use.

Purchase streamers from a party supplies store.

If you are hosting the party in the backyard, wrap streamers around the tree and hang them from branches.

If you are having a rainbow themed party, use lots of different coloured streamers. If you are having a monochromatic theme, use streamers that are the colour of your theme.

3. Use bright coloured food on the table as decorations. Place brightly coloured foods, such as watermelon, grapes, chopped carrots, fairy bread, or cake with bright icing on the food table to add colour to the party. Place different coloured foods next to each other to create contrast. For example, place red watermelon besides green rock-melon, and yellow cake. Children will be drawn to the bright colours.

If the weather is good, consider having the food table outside. This will save your floors from getting dirty from dropped food or drink.

Assemble the food in a rainbow shape if you are having a rainbow themed party.

4. Hang a pinata up to set a party atmosphere. Pinatas are a great way to create a fun and colourful focal point to a room. Purchase a pinata that fits with your theme and fill it with treats. Tie the pinata to an exposed ceiling beam or a ceiling hook. Try to hang the pinata somewhere central in room so that children won’t hit the wall when they try and open it.

Purchase a pinata from a party supplies store.

5. Set up a pin the tail on the donkey display. This is a great way to decorate a wall and is also a fun party game. Choose a display that fits your theme. For example, if you are having a princess party, you could choose a pin the crown on the princess display. Attach the pin the tail on the donkey display onto a blank wall or fence. Keep a blindfold on hand for when it’s time to play the game.

Buy a pin the tail on the donkey display from a party supplies store or get crafty and make one yourself.

Method 3 Choosing Decorations For a Party.

1. Place blankets and pillows on the ground to create a picnic look. Picnic style seating is a popular and trendy look. Ask guests to bring a picnic blanket or use your own blankets. Even if the party is inside, this can still create a fun, picnic atmosphere. Place pillows on the blankets and around coffee tables to help encourage people to sit down.

Avoid using your favourite pillows in case they get food on them.

This isn’t the best option if you’re hosting a formal party. However, if you’re hosting a casual gathering, this idea will work a treat.

2. Blow up lots of balloons to create a festive atmosphere. Join clumps of 6 balloons together to create feature pieces. Hang these up on curtain rails to give a festive feeling to the house. Another option is to secure a string from one end of the room to the other and tie the balloons along the string. If you feel creative, sprinkle colourful confetti into clear balloons to create an elegant look.

Purchase balloons from dollar stores, grocery stores, or party supply stores.

Pick a colour scheme for your party, such as black and gold, and purchase balloons of those colour

Avoid using balloons for young children’s parties as the popped balloons will be a choking hazard.

If the birthday guest is turning a significant age, purchase a helium balloon with their age printed on it.

3. Hang up a photobooth backdrop. Guests love to take pictures at parties to remember the night by. Hang the backdrop in a well lit area where the guests will linger throughout the party. The living room and the courtyard often work well. Choose a backdrop that fits the theme of your party. For example, choose a sparkly gold backdrop if you are having a royal or monochromatic theme.

Purchase a photobooth backdrop from a party supplies shop or get creative and make your own. If you decide to make your own, consider hanging streamers, tinsel, paper chains or ribbons on the wall.

4. Hang up decorative lights to create a party atmosphere. Lights are a great way to set the mood for a party. Hang festoon lights or fairy lights in the trees, from the rafters, or over exposed ceiling beams. If you don’t have any decorative lights, ask a friend if you can borrow theirs or hire some from a party supplies store.

If possible, use LED lights as these won’t burn party guests if they accidentally touch the bulbs.


Try not to stress too much about the decorations. People will be excited to see their friends and will enjoy celebrating, regardless of how the decorations look.

If you're lacking inspiration, invite a few friends over to help you decorate.
Februari 08, 2020

How to Decorate Your Room for Free.

For most people, the bedroom is more than simply a place to sleep at night. Redecorating your bedroom can help create an environment that is relaxing, reflects your personality, and even provide a better night's rest. Adding recycled pieces or simple DIY flourishes can help transform your room to fit your needs. You can also incorporate elements of Feng Sui to convert your room into a sanctuary.

Part 1 Planning and Reorganizing.

1. Make a 2-dimensional floor plan of your room and furniture. Use a tape measure to measure the dimensions of your room (length and width). On a piece of graphing paper, draw a scale image of room where 3 grid squares = 4 inches or 1/3rd of a foot.

Include in your floor plan the location and size of doors, windows, closets, fireplaces, etc.

Make scale drawings of furniture on a separate piece of paper. Measure the length and width of any large pieces of furniture (e.g. bed, dresser, couch).

Cut these out and rearrange them in your drawing to see how much space you have to work with.

Carry this plan and furniture cut-outs with you if go shopping or "dumpster diving", so you know if you have enough space for something before bringing it home.

2. Make a list of design ideas. In a search engine such as Google or Bing, type in "easy bedroom decorating ideas" or "cheap bedroom diy".

Before starting a project you find online, write-out the instructions and compile a list of materials, including tools.

Gather together any tools or materials you need before beginning your project.

3. Clean your room. Create more space and reorganize by getting rid of anything that is unnecessary or outdated.

Clean out and organize your closet, under your bed, and other places in your room where stuff has accumulated.

Donate any furniture, clothing, or electronics that are in good condition. A good rule of thumb is to donate or throw out anything you haven't worn or used in the past year.

4. Rearrange or add furniture. Create more space in your bedroom by moving your bed against the wall or place a comfortable chair next to the window to make a comfy reading nook.

You want everything currently in your bedroom to fit comfortably before adding anything new, especially if you have a small bedroom.

Add a bed skirt so you can store things under your bed without them being seen.

Switch-out a bedside table with one that has drawers for storage or several shelves to hold books.

5. Maximize the storage potential of your bedroom. Create additional space by installing extra shelving in your closet or purchasing a combination of plastic and decorative storage bins.

Attach hooks or shoe bags to the back of doors.

Use the vertical space in your closet to install high shelves as a space to store out-of-season clothes and accessories.

Decide what you want to place in each storage bin and label it. Use these labels to avoid throwing anything in a bin that does not belong. This will help you stay organized.

Arrange storage bins on a shelf or the bottom shelf of a bookcase for easy access. If the bin is in a visible location, use a decorative canvas bin or wicker basket.

6. Rearrange your bedroom according to the principles of Feng Sui. Your bed should be raised off the floor and if possible, avoid placing it in an area that receives direct sunlight during the day.

Do not place mirrors opposite your bed.

Stimulate your other senses by adding lightly scented candles or spraying diluted essential oils. Lavender has been shown to decrease heart rate and blood pressure.

7. Create a more relaxing space. Replace any light bulbs that emit a bluish light with soft white LED bulbs. Blue light stimulates brain activity and may make it more difficult to fall asleep.

Look through your house for lamps that have LED soft white bulbs and swap them with bulbs from your bedroom. Most interior lamps use 40- or 60-watt bulbs, but check first before exchanging a light bulb from another lamp.

Incorporate warm, bright colors as accessories (lamps, vases, pillows, etc.), but do not make them the dominate color in your bedroom.

Part 2 Decorating with Re-purposed or Recycled Items.

1. Find free things. Find a freecycle network within your area or ask friends and relatives for old unwanted items.

Look for furniture made from real wood that can be refinished.[9]

Unless it is in good condition, avoid second-hand plywood, particle board, or laminate furniture. While these surfaces can be cleaned and repainted, refinishing techniques such as sanding or sawing can release airborne pollutants such as formaldehyde.

2. Go to garage sales. Check your local newspaper or Craigslist for garage sales in or near your neighborhood.

You are more likely to find things for free if you go later in the day, preferably after 12:00 p.m.

3. Ask for old swatch books at the wallpaper store. Use recycled wallpaper to decoupage old lamps, vases, or furniture for free.

You can also use wallpaper to line shelves or the bottoms of drawers.

4. Move furniture and art from other places in the house for a fun change. For example, move a bookshelf from the living room to your bedroom.

Look for design inspiration in your own house. Use a painting, decorative pillow, piece of clothing, or floor rug as the basis for a new design theme or color palette in your room.

Ask permission from housemates before moving anything.

Part 3 Making Your Own Bedroom Accessories.

1. Make your own throw pillows. Throw pillows make a great accent piece and can add color. However, store bought pillows are often expensive. While having sewing skills or access to a sewing machine are helpful, they are not necessary.

Make a 'no sew pillow' by using two pieces of felt that are the same.[14] Place the felt pieces together and use scissors to cut 2 inch wide by 5 inch long strips along the edges. Leave a square at each corner. Tie the strips together around an insert pillow or cotton batting.

Use two t-shirts that hold sentimental value, but don't fit anymore to make a pillow. Cut-out a square or rectangular piece (depending on what shape and size you want your pillow) from each shirt. Place the two pieces together and sew together three of the four sides. Stuff with cotton batting or even other t-shirts before sewing the final edge.

You can also stuff a pillow with fabric scraps or use an old pillow as an insert pillow.

2. Make your own curtains. Drape fabric over the top and down the side of a curtain rod and then slide a valance or swag over the rod.

If you live in an area with a lot of light-pollution from streetlights, signs, car headlights, etc., you might want to use darker fabric to block outside light. Too much light exposure at dusk or at night can disrupt your body's natural sleep-wake cycle, known as its circadian rhythm.

Make your own curtain rings. Attach your curtains to the rod by tying hooks with fabric, rope, or ribbon. You can also dress-up cheap curtain wrings by wrapping them in different colored fabric.

Use a bed sheet to make a curtain ruffle that can be sewed onto the top or bottom of your curtains.

Use inexpensive small hooks, pegs or doorknobs to "hang" or tie curtains off to the side.

3. Make your own flower arrangement. Search garage sales, flea markets, and second-hand shops for silk flowers, or cut and dry real flowers.

Make an arrangement of dried grasses and wildflowers found along the roadside.Cut the flower and at least 8 inches of stem when they are in peak-bloom. Remove any leaves along the stem. Tie the flowers together with a piece of twine and hang them upside down in a dark, cool, dry place until completely dry, about 2-3 weeks.

4. Make a jewelry tree for your dresser. Arrange several dry branches in a vase. Fill the vase with pebbles for stability. Decorate the tree by draping earrings, necklaces and bracelets over the branches.

5. Hang some of your drawings, paintings or old calendar pictures on the walls. They don't necessarily need a frame. Attach them to the wall with a couple of common pins or mount them with poster board or foam board.

6. Experiment with DIY design ideas. Make a decorative mat or bureau scarf.

Stylize a plain lampshade by wrapping it in metallic ribbon, wrap it in gauzy fabric, or cover it in old maps or pages from your favorite book.

Make a mobile of odds and ends to hang from the ceiling. Attach old keys or origami birds with string to a metal coat hanger. This adds a fun, whimsical atmosphere to the room.

Question : I share a room with my sister and my mom wouldn't allow some of these ideas, but a few might do! Anything else?
Answer : I love some of these, but you need to agree with your sister. If you two agree, and your mom says no, ask her why she doesn't want that idea. She must have a good reason. A cute idea that she won't say no to is to put some books on your shelf landscape-way with up to five on each other, and put a few trinkets, such as glass animals, on top.

Question : My room is awesome, but my brothers always enter it without permission and break stuff and open my drawers. I have tried reasoning with them, and my parents won't stop them either. What do I do?
Answer : Try to save up money to get locks, either to get installed on your bedroom door or on your drawers. Also, find a hiding place to put your most valuable stuff. Remember, the harder you look, the harder they'll look, so go simple.

Question : How can I make space in my room?
Answer : Make sure everything is picked up off the floors, and get rid of all the old things you do not want.

Question : What are some ideas for DIY projects for small rooms?
Answer : You can make the room calmer or brighter to make it appear bigger by using washi tape to cover light switches or plugs. You could also make decorations with washi tape or cardboard for your door.

Question : I don't have a lot of money. What can I do for free?
Answer : You can use some of your own drawings or paintings or even some from another room to accessorize. You could also ask family members who have a garden for some nice flowers or plants to decorate. Go to a garage sale and look at what they have for some possible ideas as well.

Question : Can I have an example of some DIY projects?
Answer : You could do something as simple as decorating a simple lamp with some fabric or even writing quotes or putting accessories on a dresser. There are endless possibilities.

Question : Where can I get free suggestions on how to decorate my room?
Answer : There are a lot of online sights that offer decorating techniques. You can take an old dresser or desk and make it a decorative piece by writing quotes or drawing on it for decor.

Question : How should I decorate a loft bed?
Answer : Buy some nice sheets or reuse some from a garage sale or even at your own house. Go to a garage sale to find some decorative pillows or throws to add. You could even use some fabric to make a curtain for around it.

Question : I share a room with my sister and we have different tastes, how do I decorate?
Answer : You can always decorate your half of the room! If that's not convenient, then add a few small touches that don't clash with your sister's style. You could also just talk it over with your sister and try to compromise, there's got to be a few things you can agree on!

Question : How do I get teenage room decor for free with DIY?
Answer : Use the tips here to create things that vibe with the teen's style.


Spray paint any mismatched furniture to match your room's décor.

Turn a wall into a chalkboard by painting it with chalkboard paint, or designate one wall as an art wall and paint what ever you want.

Minimize damage to walls when hanging pictures or posters by using blue sticky tack or reusable adhesive hooks. You can also buy an inexpensive picture or mirror hanging kit from a hardware store.

Turn a twin bed into a daybed by pushing it against the wall and placing pillows along the back edge.

Keep your room feeling fresh by washing bed sheets and pillow cases at least once a week.

Make a wall collage using photos, posters and anything cute.

Turn on your favorite music and renew your spirit along with your room. Music can change a room's atmosphere completely without any need for redecoration.

Planning is the most important first step for any redecorating or DIY project.

Select a theme or color scheme and stick to it. This will help you stick to your budget by preventing you from buying anything that does not 'go'.

Remember if you are under-aged or living in someone else's house, ask permission before decorating.


Be careful moving furniture. Ask for help if you think you may need it. Strained backs or broken toes are never fun.

Always let someone else use a nail and hammer if you're inexperienced. Throbbing thumbs or cracked walls certainly don't add much to a room.

Refrain from using power tools unless you have received proper training or obtain guidance from someone who is experience. Always wear a face mask when stripping old paint or sanding furniture.
Januari 15, 2020

How to Decorate for a Birthday Party at Home.

Birthday parties at home are great fun and don’t have to be much work. If you’re lacking inspiration, pick a theme to help you choose decorations. Be creative and embrace the party-spirit as you decorate. Use streamers, garlands, balloons, and food to transform your home into a party zone.

Method 1 Creating a Theme.

1. Decorate your home with rainbow colours for a young child's party. A rainbow theme is a fun and easy way to style a party. Use as many colours as possible to create a rainbow feeling. Where possible, arrange the colours in the order of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

Use different coloured balloons and streamers to add colour to your home.

Purchase disposable plates and cups that have rainbow pictures on them.

Use chalk to draw rainbows on the driveway.

2. Display jungle decorations for a kid’s birthday party if they love animals. Animals are incredibly popular with kids making them a great choice for decorations. Choose decorations that have animal patterns, such as leopard or tiger print. Decorate the cake with a picture of an animal.

A safari party or a zoo party are also great animal themes.

Place plants in hanging baskets to create a jungle feeling.

3. Create a monochromatic theme for an elegant affair. Pick a colour and use it to create a monochromatic theme. If it is a child’s birthday, let them choose their favourite colour, or pick classy colours such as black, gold, silver, or white. Purchase decorations that are all the same colour.

For example, have a pink tablecloth, pink balloons, pink streamers, and pink cups.

4. Use the birthday guest's favourite movie as a theme for a fun, film-inspired party. This theme works well for any age group. Pick a favourite movie and choose decorations that relate to the film. For example, if you choose a football movie, hang football memorabilia on the walls, have a football game on the television and make a ball-shaped cake.

If you choose a children’s movie, look for disposable cups and plates that have pictures of the characters on them.

5. Create a royal theme if the birthday guest loves royalty. This theme is a fun and easy choice for both adults and children who love to dress up. Tell the party guests to come dressed in their favourite royal costume. Consider buying crowns for all the party guests to wear. Choose balloons, streamers, and tableware in royal colours; silver, blue, purple, and gold are great options.

Consider watching a prince or princess movie in the evening.

Method 2 Decorating for a Young Child’s Party.

1. Purchase disposable tableware that fits your theme. Choose tablecloths, napkins, cups, and plates that are related to your theme. For example, if you're hosting a jungle-themed party, pick plates, cups, and napkins in various animal prints.

Purchase disposable tableware from a party supplies store

2. Hang up lots of streamers to create a festive feeling. Streamers are a cheap and easy way to decorate your house for a party. Cut lengths of streamers that are the height of the door and use sticky tack to attach them onto the top frame of your front door. When children enter your home it will feel like the party has already started. Alternatively, use sticky tack to hang lengths of streamers from the ceiling to create a fun atmosphere. Be creative!

If your children want to be involved, let them choose what colours to use.

Purchase streamers from a party supplies store.

If you are hosting the party in the backyard, wrap streamers around the tree and hang them from branches.

If you are having a rainbow themed party, use lots of different coloured streamers. If you are having a monochromatic theme, use streamers that are the colour of your theme.

3. Use bright coloured food on the table as decorations. Place brightly coloured foods, such as watermelon, grapes, chopped carrots, fairy bread, or cake with bright icing on the food table to add colour to the party. Place different coloured foods next to each other to create contrast. For example, place red watermelon besides green rock-melon, and yellow cake. Children will be drawn to the bright colours.

If the weather is good, consider having the food table outside. This will save your floors from getting dirty from dropped food or drink.

Assemble the food in a rainbow shape if you are having a rainbow themed party.

4. Hang a pinata up to set a party atmosphere. Pinatas are a great way to create a fun and colourful focal point to a room. Purchase a pinata that fits with your theme and fill it with treats. Tie the pinata to an exposed ceiling beam or a ceiling hook. Try to hang the pinata somewhere central in room so that children won’t hit the wall when they try and open it.

Purchase a pinata from a party supplies store.

5. Set up a pin the tail on the donkey display. This is a great way to decorate a wall and is also a fun party game. Choose a display that fits your theme. For example, if you are having a princess party, you could choose a pin the crown on the princess display. Attach the pin the tail on the donkey display onto a blank wall or fence. Keep a blindfold on hand for when it’s time to play the game.

Buy a pin the tail on the donkey display from a party supplies store or get crafty and make one yourself.

Method 3 Choosing Decorations For a Party.

1. Place blankets and pillows on the ground to create a picnic look. Picnic style seating is a popular and trendy look. Ask guests to bring a picnic blanket or use your own blankets. Even if the party is inside, this can still create a fun, picnic atmosphere. Place pillows on the blankets and around coffee tables to help encourage people to sit down.

Avoid using your favourite pillows in case they get food on them.

This isn’t the best option if you’re hosting a formal party. However, if you’re hosting a casual gathering, this idea will work a treat.

2. Blow up lots of balloons to create a festive atmosphere. Join clumps of 6 balloons together to create feature pieces. Hang these up on curtain rails to give a festive feeling to the house. Another option is to secure a string from one end of the room to the other and tie the balloons along the string. If you feel creative, sprinkle colourful confetti into clear balloons to create an elegant look.

Purchase balloons from dollar stores, grocery stores, or party supply stores.

Pick a colour scheme for your party, such as black and gold, and purchase balloons of those colour

Avoid using balloons for young children’s parties as the popped balloons will be a choking hazard.

If the birthday guest is turning a significant age, purchase a helium balloon with their age printed on it.

3. Hang up a photobooth backdrop. Guests love to take pictures at parties to remember the night by. Hang the backdrop in a well lit area where the guests will linger throughout the party. The living room and the courtyard often work well. Choose a backdrop that fits the theme of your party. For example, choose a sparkly gold backdrop if you are having a royal or monochromatic theme.

Purchase a photobooth backdrop from a party supplies shop or get creative and make your own. If you decide to make your own, consider hanging streamers, tinsel, paper chains or ribbons on the wall.

4. Hang up decorative lights to create a party atmosphere. Lights are a great way to set the mood for a party. Hang festoon lights or fairy lights in the trees, from the rafters, or over exposed ceiling beams. If you don’t have any decorative lights, ask a friend if you can borrow theirs or hire some from a party supplies store.

If possible, use LED lights as these won’t burn party guests if they accidentally touch the bulbs.


Try not to stress too much about the decorations. People will be excited to see their friends and will enjoy celebrating, regardless of how the decorations look.

If you're lacking inspiration, invite a few friends over to help you decorate.

Desember 27, 2019

How to Making DIY String Light Decorations.

String lights are a relatively inexpensive purchase that can really add to the atmosphere of your room or home. They can soften the ambiance of a room, highlight certain features, or add a magical touch to an otherwise normal space. There are many ways you can arrange your lights, including doing things like wrapping household items or writing out a message with them. You can also make DIY decorations, like a festive vase lamp or flower lights. You can even incorporate string lights into existing decor by wrapping seasonal items with them or tying colored ribbons in between bulbs.


1. Cover branches or twigs in string lights. Even on a quick walk in the park or nature, you'll likely find a few branches or twigs with character. Bring these home and clean them lightly with a damp rag and warm, soapy water. Allow the branch to dry, then:

Use a hanger (like an adhesive hook or nail) to mount the branch to a wall. Alternatively, you could stand your branch up in a corner, in a coat rack, in a large vase, or so on.

Wrap the branch in string lights to create a natural, unique, and inexpensive home string light decoration. You may want to hold lights in place with hot glue or a sturdy staple.

2. Make a wine bottle string light lamp. A simple wine bottle string light lamp can be made by feeding the loose end of your lights into the bottle until it is full. Keep the plug on the outside of the bottle so you can plug it in when you're finished.

You can create different colors in your bottles by mixing different colored lights to the bottle. You can also add tissue paper or a transparent, glossy kind of wrapping paper to the bottles to create this effect.

Short string lights with battery packs are excellent for making this kind of craft. Your local craft or hardware store should carry these kind of lights.

Another option is to drill a hole through the bottom of the wine glass or even cut it off entirely and feed the string of lights through the bottom.

3. Make small shades for string lights. Paper cups with theme designs on them are perfect for making string light lamp shades. Use a utility knife to cut a small X into the bottom of the cup. Push the light through the X-slit to attach the paper cup shade in place.

Only use LED lights with this craft idea. Incandescent lights can generate enough heat to become a fire hazard near paper products.

You can further dress up your cups by gluing paper with interesting designs to the outside of the cups.

4. Mix string lights with trinkets in a glass vase. This is a great way of making a festive lamp for a special occasion. Frequently, this design uses Christmas ornaments mixed with string lights in a vase, but you can add whatever you please. Some examples of festive lamps you might consider making include.

Easter eggs and miniature rabbits mixed with lights.

Shamrocks, gold coins, and other St. Patrick's Day trinkets with lights.

Fabric in the color of your home team, a home team pennant, other small home team paraphernalia, and lights.

Be careful not to place the string lights next to anything that could melt or catch fire, such as tissue paper or chocolate candies.

5. Create DIY flower lights. With a pair of scissors, cut cupcake wrappers in the shape of simple flower petals. You might want to flatten the wrapper first and use a pencil to trace a flower petal design. After that, use a utility knife to cut a small X in the center of the petal design.

Gently Insert a light into each X-shaped slit in the center of your cupcake wrapper petal design.

By layering two petal cutouts and pushing a single bulb through both, you can add an extra pop of color to your lights.

LED lights should be used for this design. Incandescent string lights may generate enough heat to catch paper on fire.

6. Make giant candy lights. Acquire semi-transparent, shiny wrapping paper or a sturdy, colored cellophane like material. Cover a section of your string of lights with a cylinder of this paper and tie off the ends with twist ties. You may need to bunch up the paper at the middle to give it the appearance of a giant, lit up hard candy wrapper.

Avoid using incandescent lights for this idea, as they may generate too much heat and melt the paper or cause it to catch fire.

7. Craft a light buddy from a milk jug. This is a great craft for kids. Take a clean, empty milk jug and use markers to draw a face onto the front of the jug. Feel free to add more features to your light buddy, like string for hair at the top of the jug, buttons for eyes, and so on. Then insert string lights into the jug. Be sure to leave the plug end accessible.

Most special features can be added to your light buddy with hot glue or a suitable general purpose glue.


Always use hot glue with caution. It becomes very hot, and can burn you if used improperly or without proper supervision.

Avoid leaving the lights plugged in for too long because it is a fire hazard.

Check to make sure that the lights you are using are appropriate for where you want to use them. Some are meant for indoor use, while others are for use outdoors, and you can use some lights indoors and outdoors.

Things You'll Need.

Adhesives and hangers (like tape, glue, adhesive hooks, nails, etc.), Branches or twigs, Cupcake wrappers, Glass vase, Markers (for drawing on the milk jug), Milk jug, Paper cups, Pencil, Scissors.

Semi-transparent, glossy wrapping paper (or similar colored cellophane material), String lights, Themed trinkets, Tissue paper, Twist ties, Utility knife, Wine bottle.

Desember 23, 2019

How to Decorate Your Room for Christmas.

Do you love Christmas? Are you interested in spicing up your room for the holidays this season? Well then this article is just perfect for you! Read below to find out how to decorate your room for Christmas!

Part 1 Adding Trees, Lights, and Garlands.

1. Add a Christmas tree. Christmas trees come in all shapes and sizes, but a smaller one might look more proportionate in a bedroom. You might also want to get a fake tree as opposed to a real one. They are less likely to shed leaves and do not need to be watered.

Add a small craft tree if you have some desk or shelf space. Art and crafts stores often sell mini versions of Christmas trees, ranging between 8 and 12 inches (20.32 and 30.48 centimeters). You will also find mini lights and ornaments in the same area.

Get a 2 to 4 foot (0.61 to 1.22 meters) tall tree if you have a larger room or not a lot of furniture. You can stand the tree on a small table, a stool, or even a crate to give it extra height.

Get a "pencil" tree if you have a small room or a lot of furniture. Pencil trees can range from 3 to 9 feet (0.92 to 2.74 meters) tall, but they can be as narrow as 8 or 20 inches (20.32 or 50.8 centimeters). They don't take up a lot of space width-wise and are perfect for corners.

If you yearn for that pine-scent, consider hiding a few real pine branches in your tree. You can also use a pine-scented spray as well.

2. Hang pine branches if you don't have room for a tree. If you don't have much floor space, you can hang pine branches from the ceiling in the corner of your room. You can also dress up these branches with mini battery-operated Christmas lights, tinsel, and ornaments. It might be a good idea to use plastic ornaments instead of glass ones, however.

Make sure to thoroughly rinse the branches so you don't bring home any insects.

3. Drape some pine garlands around your room. You can even decorate the garland with mini battery-operated Christmas lights, tinsel, and ornaments. Great places to hang such garlands include above your bed, over your window, around your ceiling, and draped over your bookshelves.

4. Decorate your tree, pine branches, and pine garlands. Find some ornaments, lights, beaded garlands, and tinsel. Drape these around your tree, pine branches, or pine garland. If you are hanging your branches or garlands, consider using plastic ornaments instead of glass ones.

Mini Christmas ornaments might look better on pine garlands. You can find them in art and crafts stores, in the same section that sells mini/craft Christmas trees.

If your tree is less than 3 feet (0.92 meters) tall, use mini battery-operated Christmas lights. The plug-in lights might be too long for smaller trees.

5. Hang up some tinsel. If you can't find any (or don't like) pin garlands, you can hang up some tinsel garlands instead. Great places to hang them include above windows and around ceilings. If you use tape to hang the garlands up, be sure to use clear tape. It will be less visible.

6. Put up some Christmas lights. Great places to hang up lights include above your bed, over your shelves, and around your window. You can get ones that plug into an outlet or battery-operated ones. If you use tape to hang up your lights, try to use clear; it will be less visible on your wall.

If your room has white walls, try to get Christmas lights with white wires instead of the traditional green ones. They will blend into your walls better and clash less.

Unless you are putting them up in your window, avoid getting blinking or flashing lights; those can be very distracting after a while.

Consider matching the lights to your room and decorations. For example, if your room has a lot of cool colors, try getting blue or clear lights. If your room has a lot of warm colors, try getting white or multi-colored lights.

Consider putting "icicle" style lights in your window.

Part 2 Bringing the Festive In.

1. Switch out curtains, blankets, bedspreads, and pillowcases. You don't need to use curtains with Santas and snowmen on them, but red ones might look more festive than pink ones. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Use colors such as red or green. Darker shades might look better than brighter ones.

For a rustic cabin feel, switch out your throw or blanket for a cozy quilt or sweater/knitted blanket. Anything made from plaid flannel will also work.

Make an easy sweater pillow by slipping a square-shaped pillow inside a bulky sweater and tying the sleeves in the back.

2. Buy scented candles, wax melts, or potpourri. If you can't put up a lot of decorations, you can still make your room feel more festive by bringing in scented candles, wax melts, or potpourri. You don't even have to light candles; many scented candles are potent enough on their own. If you are getting candles, consider displaying three different-sized ones on a red, green, gold, or silver candle charger/plate. Listed below are a few Christmas scents:

Gingerbread, Peppermint and Candy Cane, Winter Wonderland, Fireplace, Pine, Spruce, Balsam, and Cedar

3. Bring out snow globes, nutcrackers, and figurines. Shelves, dressers, and desks are great for displaying trinkets such as snow globes, nutcrackers, and figurines. If you already have some on your shelves, consider switching them out for Christmasy ones instead. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

If you like nature, put up some pine tree or reindeer figurines.

If you are religious, put up figurines related to the Nativity.

If you like the classical look, put up a snowman, a Santa Clause, or even a nutcracker.

If you don't want to put away any of your existing decorations, consider decorating them instead. For example, if you have a figurine of a cat, try putting a little Santa hat on it.

4. Hang some decorations from your window, shelves, or walls. If you don't have a lot of room for a tree, you can hang small decorations using thread or clear thread/fishing line instead. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Candy canes and jingle bells can be slung over doorknobs or strung from ribbon.

Christmas cards can be clipped to yarn, jute cord, or ribbon using wooden clothespins.

Christmas stockings can be tacked to your wall using nails or thumbtacks/pushpins.

Ornaments, plastic icicles, and snowflakes (plastic or paper) can be suspended from thread. They'll look delightful against a wall or window.

5. Set up a Nativity or Christmas Village scene. If you like to collect things, setting up a Nativity or Christmas Village scene on your desk or dresser can be just the thing for you. You'll have lots of fun buying figurines and arranging them. You can find them at most arts and crafts stores.

You can also make a Nativity scene at home using popsicle sticks, straw, and wood or clay figurines.

6. Spray some fake frost onto your windows. Try to spray the frost towards the bottom corners of your window to make it look more realistic. Fake frost usually comes in a spray can, like spray paint, and washes off your window with soap and water. They are great for those who don't get snow for Christmas.

7. Make your own Christmas decorations. Not all Christmas decorations have to be store-bought. Homemade ones can have their charm too. If you don't have a lot of money to spend, or just like to be crafty, you can make some of your own decorations and display them in your room. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Find some pinecones outside and paint them with acrylic paint or glitter. Display them on your windowsill.

String cranberries and popcorn into thread to make garlands.

Make some paper chains using construction paper.

Cut out some paper snowflakes from white printer paper.

Make a gingerbread house and display it on your dresser or desk.

Cut out some letters from glitter paper to spell "Merry Christmas" and tack them to your wall.

Part 3 Finding Inspiration.

1. Choose a color scheme that matches your existing room decor. Many color schemes inspire Christmas, but not all of them might work with your room. For example, if your room has a lot of pink and white, the traditional red and green might clash. Red and white might be more suitable. Here are some common Christmas color schemes to get you started:

Red and green : Red, green, and white/gold : Blue and white/silver : Blue, white, and silver : White/ivory and gold : Red and white/gold : Green and white/gold.

2. Decide on a theme. Sometimes, having a set theme can help you choose which decorations to put up. It can also help your room look more unified and less cluttered. As with colors, choose a theme that matches your room. For example, if your room has a lot of heavy, Victorian-era furniture, a rustic or nature theme might clash. Themes that are more Victorian or ornate might work better with your room decor. Here are some common Christmas themes to get you started:

1900s, Charles Dickens, Victorian era, and Vintage inspired

Rustic, woodland cabin-inspired, with lots of gingham, knit, wood, and burlap

Nature, with lots of snow, pine trees, pinecones, reindeer, and woodland creatures

Traditional/classic with lots of red and green, snowmen, and Santa Claus

Fancy/royal with lots of silver or gold, ornate scroll patterns, and lots of rich brocade

Winter wonderland, with lots of blue, silver, and white, snow, snowflakes, icicles, and pine trees

3. Go window shopping. Look at how stores step up their displays. If you see any you like, try to copy them. Take pictures, write down what you see, or make a quick sketch. You don't have to copy the display exactly; you can just use elements from it, such as silver ornaments and glittery snowflakes.

You can also get ideas from a nature walk as well.

4. Consider having some background noise while you work. If you have a laptop, radio, or TV in your room, consider playing some Christmas music or a Christmas movie. They might inspire you or get you into the Christmas spirit.

5. Work with your existing room decor. Sometimes, what you already have in your room might inspire your Christmas decorations. For example, if your room has a lot of wooden furniture in it, you can decorate it with some rustic Christmas decorations to make it look like a cozy, woodland cabin.

Keep the size of your room in mind. If your room is very small and cramped, it might not be a good candidate for a Christmas tree. Some pine garlands, however, would be perfect for it.

6. Look around your room for blank spaces. If you don't know where to start decorating, take a look around your room. See if there are any blank spaces or surfaces, and start decorating there. For example:

Is there a bare wall in your room? If so, consider decorating it with some paper snowflakes or Christmas cards.

Is there a blank corner on your desk or dresser? What about on your shelf? These places are great for displaying mini trees, figurines, and scenes.

Curtain rods and doorknobs are great places to hang decorations from.

Windows are great places to hang decorations, such as lights and ornaments, from.


Some decorations need to be hung up. While some are light enough to be taped (such as tinsel), others will need hooks and nails (such as pine garlands). If you live in a rental unit, you might need to keep this in mind.

Keep your decorations proportionate. The smaller your room is, the smaller decorations you should use.

Less is more. It is easy to get carried away and over-decorate. If your room starts to look garish and cluttered, you might need to put some decorations away.

Consider decorating just one part of your room, such as a dresser top or a window.

Clean your room before you decorate it. Vacuum the floors and dust the shelves. Once you put up your decorations, it will be difficult to clean.

Try to keep your color scheme and theme consistent.

If you can't decide on a theme you could just do red and white.


Avoid hanging tinsel and paper too close to lamps, TVs, computers, heaters, and other electronic devices. These can heat up quickly and create a fire hazard.

If you have cats and are planning on putting up a tree, consider using plastic ornaments instead of glass ones. Most cats will knock over a Christmas tree at some point in their lives and break a couple of ornaments.

If you have pets, make sure that you hang your decorations where they can't reach them.

Be sure to rinse any pine branches before bringing them into your room, or you may also bring in a few six or eight-legged "guests."

Desember 07, 2019

How to Decorate Guest Towels.

If you have house-guests, you want to welcome them by making your home as lovely as possible. This usually involves cleaning, meal-planning, and decorating the guest room. Add a little something extra to your guest bathroom by acquiring good towels and decorating them to match your style. With these directions, you will learn how to fold towels attractively, and add additional decorations or imagery, to make them complement the welcoming air of your home.

Method 1 Folding Towels Decoratively.

1. Start with high-quality towels. The best towels are 100% cotton and feel heavy when you pick them up. If it’s important to you, pick out towels that echo colors in your bathroom, or add a pleasing pop of color. For instance, if the bathroom has black and white tiling, a leaf-green towel would stand out in a pretty way.

2. Launder the towels before use. For all these projects, you want your towels to be as clean and stable as possible. Wash the towels to see if any fading or shrinkage occurs. Use warm water and mild detergent, and avoid fabric softener or dryer sheets.

3. Make a towel fan. If you’re just getting started with decorative folding, a hand towel fan on top of a plain bath towel is easy and pretty. To start, fold the bath towel in half lengthwise, then fold it into thirds in the opposite direction. It should make a plump square shape. Next, take the hand towel and fold it lengthwise into one-inch accordion pleats. Crease the pleated towel in half so it makes a v-shape, lay it on top of the bath towel, and tease the ends apart to it to create a fan shape.

4. Try a towel pocket. If you have a towel rack in the bathroom, you can level up. Combine a bath, hand, and face towel into one attractive package by folding the hand towel into a pocket shape and placing the washcloth inside it.

Start by folding a bath towel into thirds lengthwise.

Place it on the rack with the rod in the middle, so both sides hang down equally.

Lay a hand towel on the floor with the right side up and tag side down.

Fold the bottom up so it reaches halfway up the towel, then fold the bottom edge down again so it’s level with the first fold. This makes a kind of “shelf” shape.

Flip the hand towel over, so the shelf faces down.

Fold the hand towel into folds vertically. It should be in more of a sausage-shape now, with a pocket running along the bottom edge.

Lay the hand towel over the bath towel so the pocket hangs down in front.

Fold a face towel into a mini-fan, then tuck it into the pocket.

5. Make a swan. Are you feeling fancy? Use origami techniques to fold a big bath towel into a swan. This is especially nice if you have two guests in the same room, as you can set the swans on the bed so that they are looking at each other.

Lay a towel so the long side is horizontal.

Take the top two corners, and fold them towards each other. Now the towel will be in a pentagon shape, with a point at the top. The short sides should lay against each other.

Roll each of the top diagonal edges towards one another. This should turn the towel into a rolled arrow shape.

Take the head of the arrow and bend it back towards the tails of the arrow. Then bend the tip of it down. In profile, this will look like a Z-shape.

(Opt.) Fold a washcloth into a fan and put it between the “wings” for a tail.

Method 2 Adding Appliques and Accents.

1. Sew on decorative hems. If you have towels with plain indented borders (sometimes called a dobby weave), then you can stitch on a thin line of contrasting fabric. This makes a subtle and pretty decoration, uses up fabric scraps, and is easy to do.

Prewash the towels and the fabric you’re using. Otherwise, when you wash them, they might pucker strangely.

Cut two one-inch strips of fabric the width of a towel, adding an extra inch in length for seam allowance.

Using an iron, turn over a quarter-inch of fabric at the short sides of the rectangles. Then turn over another half-inch and iron again. This should give neat finished edges to the sides of the decorative strip.

Now turn over a quarter-inch of fabric along the length of both sides of a strip. This should result in a half-inch strip of folded fabric.

Pin the fabric to the plain border on one side of the towel with the right side be facing out. The fabric should be right in the middle of the plain border--probably a quarter inch from each edge, if it’s a standard one-inch border. Use a seam gauge to make sure the fabric is straight.

Whipstitch the cloth neatly to the towel along each edge.

2. Add pre-made decorative accents. If you don’t have any scrap fabric to add to the towel, you can go out and purchase decorative trims instead. When looking at trims, it’s best to choose ones that are sturdy and made of the same fabric composition as your towels, so the towels will be easy to wash. Of course, you still need to pre-wash trims and towels before application.

Cording is a simple, narrow trim. It should be easy to attach with a single whipstitch.

Rickrack is a zig-zagging trim that adds a retro or rural charm to towels.

Lace can be fancy or homey. Whatever style you choose, sturdy cotton lace, like eyelet or Cluny, is best. Avoid anything too delicate.

3. Embroider your towels. If you have a lot of experience with machine embroidery, you can apply this knowledge to your guest towels. If you don’t know how to machine embroider, towels are probably not the best medium to learn on. Cross-stitch is very doable, however.

Start with towels with an embroiderable inset, which are available at well-stocked craft or embroidery stores. Pick up a few colors of cotton embroidery thread and a pack of embroidery needles, as well.

Find a pattern you like. You can find patterns in books, but they’re also available on cross-stitch sites, or DIY and social media sites like Pinterest.

Transfer the pattern to the towel’s embroiderable section, and cross stitch away. Make sure to tie knots off securely, since you’ll be running the towels through the wash.

4. Apply an applique. If you want to monogram your towels, or customize them with a simple shape like a heart or star, think about applique. With this technique, you apply a contrasting fabric patch to the towel and stitch it down securely. It requires a bit more patience, but the results are worth it. You’ll need decorative cotton fabric, fusible interfacing, tailor’s chalk, and a needle and thread.

Prewash both the towel and the fabric you want to apply. This will save the finished design from weird bunching and puckering.

Find a stencil for a letter or shape that appeals to you.

Peel the backing off the interfacing, then lay the wrong side of the cotton fabric against the bumpy side of the interfacing. Run a hot iron along the right side of the cotton fabric. This should make the interfacing stick to the fabric, strengthening it.

Trace your chosen shape onto the right side of fabric, using the tailor’s chalk.

Using a sewing machine or a needle and thread, make a running stitch on top of the traced lines. This will help stabilize them.

Cut out the letter or shape, being careful to cut close to the stabilizing stitches.

Pin the shape to the towel in the correct place. Satin stitch around the edge to attach it.

Method 3 Bleaching and Dyeing.

1. Use bleach or dye to stencil. If you like the idea of a big simple shape to decorate the towel, but don’t want to sew, you can stencil a shape on instead. You’ll need a stencil, tape, spray bottle, and dye or bleach that will contrast with your towel’s color. (In general, use dye for light towels, and bleach for dark ones.)

Pick out a stencil you like. You can print shapes onto cardstock and then cut around the edge to make a stencil, if you don’t have a pre-made stencil that excites you.

Tape your stencil to the towel.

Fill a spray bottle with fabric dye or undiluted clothing bleach.

Spray bleach or dye through the stencil.

Wait a few minutes for the chemicals to develop on the towel. If you want a stronger color, spray more on.

Wash the towel after the stencil dries. Be careful not to wash it with anything that could be damaged by extra bleach or dye.

2. Bleach-paint an image. If you want even more control over the imagery on the towel, you can use clothing bleach to paint on a word or design. This creates a beautiful and artsy appearance, and it’s quite easy. You’ll need chalk, gloves, bleach, a paintbrush, and dark-colored towels.

Sketch out your design in chalk.

Put on your gloves. Now, using a paintbrush or foam brush, apply fabric bleach to the fabric on top of the chalk. You may have to wiggle the brush to drive the bleach into the pile of the towel.

Let the bleach develop, then wash the towel.

Breathe safe! If you’re working with bleach, make sure you’re in a well-ventilated area, wear gloves, and take breaks if you feel woozy.

3. Add an ombre border. You can achieve a trendy image by dip-dying the tips of a towel. You’ll need light-colored towels, RIT dye, gloves, salt, a hanger, newspapers, and a bucket or tub that you can stain with no repercussions.

Put on the gloves, so you don’t end up with purple hands.

Prepare a dye bath according to the package directions. This may require a surprising amount of table salt.

Wet the towel. Fold it in half and hang it over the hanger so that both ends are even.

Dip the tips of the towel into bath, and let them soak for 5-10 minutes.

Hang the towel to dry with its ends positioned over a pad of newspapers (to avoid staining the floor). Don’t let the dyed parts touch anything.

Wash the towel according to the dye’s package directions.

4. Tie-dye the towel. For extra fun for young guests, tie-dyed towels are great. This is a project with an improvisational flavor, so you can even invite kids to help. You will need light-colored towels, rubber bands, a tie-dye kit, newspapers, and a bucket or tarp.

Use the rubber bands to create a base pattern for the towel--there will be white stripes wherever the bands were. Bind the towel into sections for a striped design, or pull and tie off small corners to make starbursts.

Get the towel wet in the sink, then squeeze out excess water.

Place the towel in a bucket or on a tarp and squirt dye onto it. Don’t be dainty--it’s more fun if it’s colorful.

Carefully remove the bands from the towel (you might want to wear gloves for this step), and let the towel dry flat on a thick pad of newspapers.

Wash according to the kit’s directions.


Recycle fabrics for this project.

Avoid metallic trims, as they do not launder well.

Use towels as gifts or for sale at a fundraisers.

Use the same techniques to decorate tea towels.

Towel folding is influenced by origami, the Japanese art of paper-folding, but the flexible, thick qualities of towels make them quite different from paper. There’s a bit of a learning curve, so don’t give up!


Use caution with hot or sharp tools, such as an irons, scissors, and needles.

Things You'll Need : Plain towels, Decorative fabric, Seam gauge, Tape Measure, Scissors, Needle, Matching thread.

Common pins, Sewi, Fusible interfacing, Bleach, Spray bottle, Paintbrush, Patterns and stencils.
Desember 03, 2019

How to Decorate Shelves in a Bedroom.

Decorating bedroom shelves can be one of the most enjoyable parts of interior design. Whether you've bought a brand-new home or just want a change of pace, there are plenty of ways to decorate without making your shelves look cluttered or out of place. Once you have an idea of how you want the shelves to look and what you’ll be using, you can let your creativity flow!

Part 1 Deciding on a Style.

Pull out all the items you need to store on the shelves. For example, you may have a huge collection of DVDs or photo albums that definitely require shelf space. Your shelves can serve a purpose and look stylish at the same time, but giving objects that need a home priority can help guide your process.

Choose colors that complement the existing décor. You want to try to match the colors or materials the bedroom already has. You may have to pass on neon decor in a room with dark, wood-paneled walls, but it could do well in a white or already colorful room.

Limiting yourself to 2 or 3 colors to decorate with will help prevent your shelves from looking too busy.

Use a tape measure to determine the size of your shelves if necessary. Shelves come in all different shapes and sizes, and each one has different potential for decoration. If you have something bigger you'd like to place, or you're going out shopping for decorations, it's good to know the exact amount of space available. Use a tape measure.

Measure from one end of the shelf to the other to get the width. If the shelf is enclosed or there is something above it, measure from the bottom of the shelf to the top to get the height. Then, measure from the front edge to the back wall to get the depth. Write all of these numbers down.

Part 2 Picking out Your Decorations.

Stack books together for an academic or hobbyist look. You might want to show off your collection of romance novels or store a set of psychiatry textbooks. Books are a great choice to decorate with as they are a natural complement to other items. You can alternate between placing them horizontally and vertically to create different effects.

A horizontal stack of books becomes a base for another object to rest on.

A series of titles standing up can be held in place by a sculpture or bookend.

Removing covers from books or facing them spine-first can completely change how they look on the shelf.

Decorate with plants to bring more “life” to your shelves. Flowers, succulents, and bonsai will warm up your room and make give it a more homey feel. Having plants in your home can even improve your mental health, as they can help ease anxiety or symptoms of sickness and make you feel relieved.

You can make your own terrarium by filling a small glass container with potting soil, stones, and tiny plants.

Choose flowers for a pop of color.

Add a stronger touch of your personal style with artwork. Whether you’ve bought them or made them yourself, art pieces can be a great addition to your shelves. Paintings, sketches, sculptures, and pottery are all good choices.

If your art is two-dimensional, you can place it behind other objects to create more depth.

Hide loose or extra objects in attractive storage bins. You might want to stow away certain items to keep them around but out of sight. This is a perfect time to use organizational bins. Many storage bins are made of cloth or plastic with built-in handles so you can slide them on and off of a shelf with ease.

Items that are practical but not aesthetically-pleasing, such as extra headphones or charging cables, can be placed in these bins.

These bins can also house shoes, makeup kits, linens, or whatever else you might like to have in your bedroom.

Part 3 Arranging Items on Your Shelves.

Group together items that look similar. Once you’ve got all of your decorations ready, set them all in one place near the shelf. Try to keep items of the same color or shape grouped together so you’ll have a good idea of where you want them as you go along.

Place similar items in a triangle or “zigzag” pattern. If you have a lot of shelf space, you'll want to spread things out. Alternating which shelves you place similar items on will help balance out the overall appearance.

If you have many objects that look similar, group them in odd numbers.

These patterns are often chosen by designers because they follow the "rule of thirds," or the principle that elements in groups of 3 are the most visually appealing.

Choose pieces that have meaning to you as the focal point of each shelf. Try to draw attention to whatever you like best. You can achieve this by placing one piece in the direct center, or setting several beside objects with eye-catching colors.

Draw the eye to photos of you and your loved ones for a sentimental feel.

Art pieces are great as focal points.

Move anything that looks out of place. If you feel anything is "not quite right," feel free to move objects around. Make sure to pay attention to what the space around each shelf or compartment looks like in addition to what it contains. If you feel you’ve achieved a good visual harmony, then you’re finished!


Painting the back of your shelves, or the wall behind them, before placing your decorations can really make them pop and further elevate your bedroom’s style.

November 20, 2019

How to Choose Rustic Chic Home Decor.

Looking for an inexpensive way to spruce up your living space? Consider picking out furniture and other decorations with a rustic chic aesthetic. Things like wood, metal, burlap and natural materials can lend a rugged, time-worn look to any home. You can deck out whole rooms with rustic chic decor to create a sense of quiet coziness, or mix and match with modern pieces for a progressive look that defies the decades.

Method 1 Redesigning Your Living Space.

Make the best use of your space. Before you get too eager to shop for new pieces, scan the room you’re planning on decorating. Take note of its size, layout, flooring, walkways, doors, windows, cabinets and other features. The rustic furnishings you pick out should be appropriate for the specific look of each room so that the new atmosphere feels like a natural extension.

Some pieces will look better in certain places than others. Whenever you’re picking out your decor, trust your instincts when deciding where in your home or room it should go.

If you could use a fresh set of eyes, seek out the professional opinion of an interior designer.

Stick with a neutral color scheme. Rustic chic decor is by definition muted and minimal. Forget about bright colors, elaborate patterns or gleaming burnished fixtures. Instead, focus on monochromatic pieces in complementary hues and materials. This basic setting will act as a blank canvas so that you can add personality later by using smaller decorations.

Appliances and fixtures in dark, plain shades will go with a wider range of items.

Vary your tones between rooms. The sun room will benefit from light shades like pine and cream, while the bedroom or study can be done in dark grays, browns and blacks with splashes of color.

Keep furnishings simple. Simplistic items are wonderful on their own, but too many of them can easily start to look busy. Resist the urge to incorporate more and more into a room. Get a few essential pieces, like a maple coffee table or a rich brown leather loveseat, and let them speak for themselves.

Limiting the number of pieces in a given room also helps maximize your space.

A room full of items in all the same style or shade can quickly become monotonous.

Replace tired pieces. If you’re having trouble planning an updated layout for the room or deciding on the perfect spot for new decorations, one good place to start would be getting furniture and accessories that you don’t want anymore. Dull, uninteresting items can be sold, donated or discarded to make room for fresh finds. Assuming you’re not ready to part with a particular piece just yet, you could also have it reupholstered and appreciate it from a new perspective.

Sometimes even small changes can make a big difference. You might not have to totally overhaul your living space in order to breathe new life into it.

Give your old furniture a new home in another room, or store it until you find another use for it.

Method 2 Working with Different Materials.

Show off natural wood finishes. Wood is the ultimate staple of rustic chic style. It’s sturdy, idyllic and, best of all, goes with everything. Oak, cedar, mahogany and walnut are all excellent choices for wood furnishings. To complete the rustic aesthetic, look for pieces with attractive staining, irregular angles and other unique touches like bits of preserved bark.

You can find almost every major piece of furniture for your household in one type of wood or another.

Choose paints and stains that don’t distract from the innate beauty of the wood.

Accent with aged metals. On the flipside of sleek, contemporary styles, old-fashioned metals, such as wrought iron, copper and even artificially-rusted tin can instantly give your surroundings an air of dignified antiquity. Because of their shabby chic characteristics, raw and distressed metals are best used sparingly to offset woods and other finishes.

Lamps, bookends and table legs are good places to weave in metal accents.

Use vintage metal containers in the kitchen in place of traditional ceramic jars.

Incorporate elements of nature. When it comes time to cover the walls or fill up blank space, take cues from the great outdoors. Accentuate end tables and alcoves with decorations made from stone, fur or even faux ivory or tortoise shell. Your living space will have just the right amount of wildness while still looking like it leapt off the pages of a storybook.

If you live near scenic surroundings, switch to a more “exposed” layout with uncovered windows and natural lighting to bring a glimpse of the outside in.

Make sure you’re buying from humane sources. Imitation fur and other materials look like the real thing, but are both ethical and sustainable.

Finish with gorgeous quaint accessories. Put the finishing touches on a room with the same types of items you would ordinarily use to ornament your home, but with a twist—here is where unique fabrics and designs will come into play. Smaller accessories are also the best place to work fanciful designs into the room’s furnishings.

Instead of ordinary throw blankets and pillowcases, go with more eye-catching variations like Navajo or wove saddle blankets and beadwork pillows.

A beeswax candle or wind-up clock will make for a tasteful nightstand display, while blown glass bowls and vases can be substituted for a lifeless dining room centerpiece.

Method 3 Finding Rustic Chic Decor.

Visit your local furniture store. There’s no need to venture all the way to the Alaskan frontier or remote outposts of the Rockies in order to find good looking accoutrements. The rustic look is in, so it shouldn’t be hard to track down a few things that suit your preferences at major home goods stores. You’ll have the most luck when shopping for bigger items like tables, chairs and bedding in these places.

Chain stores like Crate and Barrel, Hobby Lobby and Pottery Barn specialize in rustic home decor.

Furniture outlets tend to charge more, so if you don’t like the idea of paying as much, thrift stores and DIY distressing techniques may be the way to go.

Go thrift shopping. It’s not uncommon to stumble upon forgotten treasures at secondhand stores and vintage boutiques. These are often items that you can’t find anywhere else, and you’re guaranteed a good deal. If you’re remodeling on a budget or looking for one-of-a-kind pieces, a thrift store may be your best bet.

Many old pieces will be ready to display in your home as-is.

Be sure to check beck regularly, as store inventories change constantly.

Distress plain pieces. Rather than scouring various stores and shops for wares with the right rustic vibe, buy furniture and accessories new and modify them yourself at home. Distressing furniture is fast, fun and could hardly be easier. All you need are a few basic tools like paint thinner, sandpaper and specialty paints and brushes. When you’re finished, you’ll have a collection of items that are truly one-of-a-kind.

Painted wood furniture can be weathered to expose the beautiful grain underneath, and metal objects can be strategically rusted or painted over with a matte finish.

Change out the hardware on any dressers or cabinets you happen to come across to customize their appearance.

Repurpose old items. For those little extra touches, look no further than your own attic or garage. Most homes are loaded with scraps of materials that are infinitely useful if applied correctly. For instance, you could use a roll of butcher’s twine to wrap drawer pulls and cabinet handles, wire lanterns for indoor lighting or frame an assortment of old fishing hooks to make wall art that’s anything but commonplace. With a few innovative ideas, you’ll start seeing your junk drawer in a whole new light!

If you have a certain item that you want to use but it doesn’t quite go with the rest of your furnishings, try painting, sanding or distressing it to make it a better visual fit.

Get creative! As your own personal interior decorator, you’re only limited by the scope of your imagination.


No matter where you live, you can bring a sense of humble elegance and timelessness to your home by outfitting it in a rustic style.

Come up with an estimated budget that you’re willing and able to spend before you embark on your redecorating project.

Add to and take away bits of your current decor over time to let the look of your home gradually evolve.

Break up the neutral theme of rustic decor with fresh flowers, potted plants, hanging ferns and other greenery.

Head down to a superstore like Walmart and Target to pick up small, inexpensive odds and ends that help tie everything together.

Browse craft websites like Etsy and Pinterest for more ideas and inspiration on how to decorate your home.


Beware of lead-based paints on vintage finds. Lead paint has a tendency to flake off when it ages and can be dangerous to inhale or ingest.

November 18, 2019

How to Choose Winter Interior Decor.

Home decor in general is, of course, a matter of personal taste, so when you're looking to decorate the house for winter, the best guide to follow is your own gut. However, an important first step is to decide which areas to focus on, both in your home overall and then within each room. Finding ways to emphasize warmth will then make your home that much comfier during the coldest months. And for those of you who take your shoes off indoors, layering rugs during the winter is a further way to add warmth while adding seasonal variety to your decor.

Deciding Where and How to Decorate.

Choose which rooms to decorate. If you have the budget, time, and inclination to overhaul your home entirely, feel free to go wild. If not, however, prioritize rooms that see the most use. Don't waste time and money on, say, your bedroom, which hardly anyone but you will see. Instead, focus on areas like your.

Living room.

Family room.

Dining room.



Pick a color scheme. If you're a purist, bring the outside in with seasonal colors that emphasize cold. If, on the other hand, you want to make your home a comfy hideaway from the elements, go the opposite route with warm colors. There's no right or wrong, so follow your instincts and please your own taste.

Cold color schemes include white paired with either blue, burgundy, emerald, gray, plum, or silver.

Warm colors also include white, as well as browns, reds, and yellows.

To find colors that match your paint, furniture, and other decor, use online color palettes.

Add seasonal decorations. If you celebrate Christmas, you're probably already starting the winter off by decorating for that. But whether or not you celebrate that holiday, search the aisles or online for decorations that don't tie directly into the holiday. Use these to decorate your home throughout the winter season, even after you've packed all the Santa stuff away.

Items to look for include figurines, framed pictures, snow globes, wreaths, and garland.

Neutral designs include snowmen, sleighs, winter villages, and bare or snow-covered evergreens.

Use small touches to drive winter home. Again, if you want to go hog-wild about it, feel free to make your home a winter wonderland with any number of appropriately themed decorations. But if time, budget, and space is limited, use them wisely. Consider:

Choosing one fanciful item to stand out as a seasonal centerpiece in a given area, like a model winter village to top a mantelpiece, bureau, or window seat.

Replacing everyday items with seasonally decorated ones, like dish- or hand towels, salt and pepper shakers, and placemats.

Investing in seasonal pillow cases, blankets, comforters, and/or even sofa- and armchair covers to quickly punch up areas like bedrooms, living rooms, and dens.

Choose decorations that transition from season to season. Between school and holidays, both fall and winter can be busy times of year, so plan ahead to minimize work. As you decorate for each season and/or holiday, use items that will still be appropriate as you roll over to the next so you can minimize work. For instance:

Red, yellow, orange, and brown scream autumn when bunched together, but each is a warm color that can help make your winter home more inviting. Say you decorated your living room with throw pillows in all four colors for fall. Simply take away the yellow and orange ones and leave the red and brown pillows.

Hanging wreaths with bare branches is a popular way to decorate for both fall and winter. Simply swap the autumn leaves with more winter-appropriate flair like holly leaves, oranges, or leaves painted in cool colors like blue or silver.

Evergreen garland and pine cones are Christmas favorites, but on their own they work just as well for the whole winter.

Making Your Space Feel Warm and Cozy.

Provide literal warmth with fire. If your house has one, use your fireplace! Rearrange the furniture to make the hearth the centerpiece of that room. Make a blazing fire a daily, nightly, or weekly ritual with your loved ones.

If your fireplace is inoperable, stack some bright firewood in the rack anyway to suggest the idea of a nice warm fire.

Set out candles. Whether or not you have a fireplace, light candles to add the flickering glow of flames to your home. Choose candlesticks or holders that enhance the winter theme either by color, design, or both. Enhance the effect by burning scented candles that fill the house with pleasing smells that highlight the season.

Gold or brass candlesticks provide warm colors and reflective surfaces, enhancing the light and suggestion of warmth.

Mugs, bowls, and jars filled with readymade candles and decorated with seasonal designs are also widely available.

Popular scents for winter include cinnamon, cloves, oranges, pine cones, and various types of wood.

Alternatively, you can also use LED candles if you're worried about fire risks or forbidden to use candles.

Add throws to seating areas. Drape throw blankets over the backs of your couches and armchairs. Arrange throw pillows in the corners of each one, too. If you have an accent chair, pile extras on the seat so family, roommates, and guests can help themselves as needed. Don't be mingy with them; the more, the better!

Choose neutral-colored throw pillows and blankets to use year-round. This way, you can easily dress up each seating area with just a couple of new winter-themed blankets and/or pillows.

Change your curtains. Make an instant dramatic change to your home by hanging curtains selected especially for winter. Choose whichever color or design highlights the season best for your tastes, but favor thick, heavy fabrics to suggest more warmth and protection from the cold outside. For the best insulation, choose thermal curtains, which are designed to prevent heat from escaping while also blocking drafts from the windows.

If you miss the sunlight in winter and still want to let it in without keeping the drapes shut all day, you can also find thermal-backed vertical blinds that allow more light to pass through with minimal heat loss.

Layering Rugs for Extra Coziness.

Determine the best spaces to layer rugs. Assess how much visibility the floor area receives in each room. Favor open areas over small, cramped ones. Use layered rugs where they will stand out and be noticed, rather than areas where furniture blocks them from view.

Larger rooms like the living room or den are generally ideal for this. Depending on the square footage and the amount of furniture inside, master bedrooms can also be a likely candidate.

Layered rugs can also be used in smaller spaces with little or no furniture, like hallways or bathrooms. However, expect rugs to possibly wear out faster here due to concentrated foot traffic.

Select your rugs. Maybe you're buying both at once, or perhaps you're trying to pair a new rug with one that you already own. Either way, make sure the base rug and accent rug complement each other. Make your selections according to.

Size: whether you're choosing an accent rug, base rug, or both, aim to have at least one foot (30.5 cm) of the base rug revealed along each side of the accent rug. With the base rug, always err on the side of too big if you're unsure of how large a rug you should select.

Supporting role versus starring role: favor neutral rugs for your base. Let the accent rug shine by choosing a base rug that won't upstage it. At the same time, make life easier by going with a base rug that can be used year-round while you switch accent rugs by season.

Contrast: make the accent rug pop out even more by pairing it with a base rug that contrasts it. Use color, pile height, shape, texture, or a combination of these features to make your selections more eye-catching.

Lay out your rugs. For areas like hallways or bathrooms without furniture, simply center the rugs in the open floor space. In more heavily furnished rooms, use your rugs to define specific spaces within that room, such as a sitting area in your living room, or the desk area in your home office. This may take a little trial-and-error depending on the sizes of your rugs, the open space available, and the surrounding furniture. For example.

One rule of thumb is to cover at least two feet (61 cm) of both rugs with the furniture surrounding it. Let's say your rug is being placed at the foot of a single 3-seat sofa in the living room, with no other surrounding furniture. As long as you're happy with the amount of rug visible, this should be fine.

Now let's say you're framing the rugs with an L-shaped couch. Covering two feet on either side of the base rug may look fine, but doing the same to a small accent rug may not. Here, you may want to pull the accent rug out from underneath on one or both sides..

Now say that you also have a coffee table to go with your L-shaped couch. If it's solid wood (as opposed to glass and see-through), you may wish to pull either the accent rug or both rugs further out from underneath the couch so they are more visible.

November 17, 2019